Jökull - 01.12.2006, Page 23
Avalanches in coastal towns in Iceland
Figure A9 and Table 13: Avalanche weather and paths in Siglufjörður, N-Iceland. – Yfirlit yfir snjóflóð, rýming-
arsvæði og snjóflóðaveður á Siglufirði.
Evacuation areas Avalanche weather and wind directions for snow-
drift accumulation
Avalanche paths and notification
Snowdrift accumulation in northerly winds. NW-NE, NW-SW breeze
Jörundarskál - Strengsgil Northerly winds. Hazard due to snowdrift from the
mountains in winds from NW-N. Breeze from NW-
SW in the mountains can lead to snow accumulation.
A wide gully from Jörundarskál, narrows down-
hill. Syðra- and Ytra-Strengsgil are well defined
gullies down slope. Partly protected with an
avalanche dam. Evacuation 1997, levels 1-3, at
present level 3.
Fífladalasvæði syðra
(southern part)
Possibly snow accumulation in the upper part of the
area during strong winds from NW.
From Ytra-Strengsgil to Fífladalagil. Two gul-
lies are in this area. Evacuation levels 1-3. No
houses on 1.
nyrðra (northern part)
Strong winds from NW can lead to evacuation at
level 3. Snow accumulates in northerly winds at
the downhill part of the slope, and in the upper part
in winds from N-NW simultaneous with snowdrift
from the mountains.
The upper part is a bowl, and shallow gullies fur-
ther downhill. Evacuation levels 1-3.
Gimbraklettar to Hvanneyrará
Accumulation if wind blows into the fjord along the
mountainside. A long lasting sleet can lead to a level
1 evacuation.
A slope with gullies. Evacuation levels 1-2.
syðri hluti (southern part)
Winds from NE. Evacuation levels 2-3.
JÖKULL No. 56 21