Jökull - 01.12.2006, Page 25
Avalanches in coastal towns in Iceland
Figure A11 and Table 15: Avalanche weather and paths in Seyðisfjörður, E-Iceland. – Yfirlit yfir snjóflóð,
rýmingarsvæði og snjóflóðaveður á Seyðisfirði.
Evacuation areas Avalanche weather and wind directions for
snowdrift accumulation
Avalanche paths and notification
Snowdrift accumulation in winds from SE, E, NE, W. Rain and melting
Strandartindur -
Snowdrift in winds from SE and E. Wet avalanches from several gullies. Small as well as deep
gullies. Hazard due to mud and slush flows. Evacuation lev-
els 1 and 3.
Botnar intense, continuous snowfall in winds from S-SE,
not common. Intense rain and intense melting.
East of Búðará to the west of houses in the town. Several
gullies and streams in the area. Slush flows possible from
Hádegisá. Evacuation level 3.
Bjólfur Winds from NE in the whole area. Accumulation
to Kálfabotn from Haugar in winds from W. Accu-
mulation to the side of Haugar in winds from NE as
well as in winds from W and E in case of already
much accumulated snow.
Several gullies. Kálfabotn is a big bowl-formed starting
zone. The larger avalanches from the top part of Bjólfur do
not follow gullies. Evacuation levels 1-3.
Öxl Snowdrift over the ridge (shoulder) in winds from
NW. Intensive accumulation in winds from N (from
Vestdalur) during snowfall.
The area is limited between a ridge between Seyðisfjörður
and Vestdalur, to Krókhryggur. Deep gullies in the north-
ern part of the area, open mountainside towards the southern
side. Dam under construction 2004. Evacuation level 1.
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