Jökull - 01.12.2006, Page 49
A paleomagnetic study of stratigraphic relations in lava pile
Table 1. List of paleomagnetic results obtained in the present study. Tilt-corrected remanence directions are
included, as well as virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) positions based on them. Dec, Inc: declination (east)
and inclination (positive down). Lon, lat: VGP longitude and latitude. Alf: 95% confidence angle (α95) of
the remanence direction. J100: mean intensity of remanence after 10 mT AF demagnetization. Pol: polarity,
with N = normal, R = reverse, T = VGP latitude below 40◦, E = VGP latitude below 10◦. GPS coordinates
at the base of each profile are given in the Appendix, along with the tectonic tilt corrections applied. – Listi
yfir niðurstöður mælinga á meðalstefnu varanlegrar segulmögnunar í hverju hraunlagi, eftir leiðréttingu fyrir
áætluðum jarðlagahalla. Óvissa í hverri meðalstefnu er einnig gefin upp, svo og hnit sýndar-segulskauts og
meðal-styrkur segulmögnunarinnar.
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