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Jökull - 01.12.2006, Qupperneq 56

Jökull - 01.12.2006, Qupperneq 56
Kristjánsson et al. REFERENCES Björnsson, B. J. 1975. Villinganesvirkjun. Jarðfræðiyfir- lit. Orkustofnun, Reykjavík, Report OS-ROD-7501, 13 pp. and drawings. Harðarson, B. A. and Á. Guðmundsson 1986. Stafnsvat- navirkjun. Mannvirkjajarðfræði. Orkustofnun, Reyk- javík, Report OS-86039/VOD-14B, 63 pp. and maps. Hardarson, B. S., J. G. Fitton, R. H. Ellam and M. S. Pringle 1997. Rift relocation – a geochemical and geochronological investigation of a paleo-rift in north- west Iceland. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 153, 181–196. Harðarson, B. S., M. S. Pringle, L. Kristjánsson and Á. Guðmundsson 1999. Stratigraphy and paleomag- netism of a 2.8 km lava succession in central north- ern Iceland. XXII General Assembly of the I.U.G.G., Birmingham. Abstracts volume B, 326. Hjartarson, Á. 2003. The Skagafjörður Unconformity North Iceland and its Geological History. Ph.D. The- sis, Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen, 248 pp. and map. Hjartarson, Á. 2005. The Late Miocene Tinná Central Vol- cano, North Iceland. Jökull 55, 33–48. Hjartarson, Á., G. Ó. Friðleifsson and Þ. H. Hafstað 1997. Berggrunnur í Skagafjarðardölum og jarðgangaleiðir. Orkustofnun, Reykjavík, Report OS-97020, 55 pp. and maps. Hjartarson, Á., G. Ó. Friðleifsson and Þ. H. Hafstað 2003a. Skagafjarðardalir. Berggrunnskort (Bedrock map), 1:50,000. Orkustofnun, Reykjavik. Hjartarson, Á., B. S. Hardarson and M. S. Pringle 2003b. 40Ar/39Ar-dates from the Skagafjörður Valleys, N- Iceland. – Implications for rift relocations and the deep sea sedimentary record. In: Á. Hjartarson: The Skaga- fjörður Unconformity North Iceland and its Geologi- cal History. Ph.D. Thesis, 81–94. Jóhannesson, H. 1991. Yfirlit um jarðfræði Tröllaskaga (Miðskaga). Árbók Ferðafélags Íslands 1991, 38–56. Kaldal, I. and S. Víkingsson 1978. Jökulsár í Skagafirði I. Jarðfræði. Orkustofnun, Reykjavík, Report OS-ROD- 7805, 28 pp. plus photos and drawings. Kristjánsson, L. 1985. Bergsegulmælingar – nytsöm tækni við jarðfræðikortlagningu. (English summary: Pale- omagnetic polarity measurements in stratigraphy). Náttúrufræðingurinn 54, 119–130. Kristjánsson, L. 2002. Estimating properties of the geo- magnetic field from Icelandic lavas. Phys. Chem. Earth 27, 1205–1213. Kristjánsson, L. and G. Jónsson 2006. Paleomagnetism and magnetic anomalies in Iceland. J. Geodyn. 43 (in press). Kristjánsson, L., Á. Guðmundsson and B. S. Harðarson 2004. Stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of a 2.9-km composite lava section in Eyjafjördur, Northern Ice- land: a reconnaissance study. Internat. J. Earth Sci. 93, 582–595. Ogg, J. and A. Smith 2004. The geomagnetic polarity time scale. In: A Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Gradstein, F., J. Ogg and A. Smith, eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 63–86. Saemundsson, K. 1979. Outline of the geology of Iceland. Jökull 29, 7–28. Saemundsson, K., L. Kristjansson, I. McDougall and N. D. Watkins 1980. K-Ar dating, geological and paleo- magnetic study of a 5-km lava succession in northern Iceland. J. Geophys. Res. 85, 3628–3646. Watkins, N. D. and G. P. L. Walker 1977. Magnetostratig- raphy of Eastern Iceland. Am. J. Sci. 277, 513–584. Appendix Profile locations, tectonic tilt corrections, and geolog- ical notes. – Staðsetningar, áætlaður halli jarðlaga og stuttar lýsingar. TD is on the west side of the gully Garðsgil crossing Highway #1 in Norðurárdalur, beginning just below the road. Coordinates: 65◦25’.78N, 19◦04’.26W. The profile was first mapped by Á. G. and J. Helgason in 1976. Tectonic tilt decreases from 8◦ at base to 6◦ at top, downdip 200◦E. As in the other profiles of this project, the lavas sampled are mostly tholeiites with- out appreciable interbasaltic sediments. The stratigra- phy and geological setting indicates that the sequence belongs to the lower part of the Sólheimar formation of Hjartarson (2003). TB: The major part of the profile lies northeast of the gully Geldingsgil on the southeastern slopes of Norðurárdalur. Coordinates: 65◦25’.9N, 19◦02’.1W. Tilt decreases from 7◦ at base to 3◦ at top, downdip 200◦E. The stratigraphy of the profile as mapped by Á. G. and J. Helgason (Saemundsson et al. 1980) has now been slightly revised on the basis of new map- ping by H. H. There are about 10 m of sedimentary rocks overlying flow 62. After flow 68 the profile moves 200 m to the east where it continues up to the 54 JÖKULL No. 56
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