Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 264
Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1985-1986
Table 3. Local government finance 1985 and 1986
Million ISK at current prices
1. Current revenue Tax revenue Service revenue Interest 10,043 6,755 2,482 600 13,221 9,152 3,184 598
Miscellaneous 207 288
2. Current expenditure 8,431 11,215
Operational outlays 7,770 10,452
Interest 661 763
3. Balance on current account (1.-2.) 1,612 2,006
4. Capital transfers received 902 1,149
5. Investment outlays 3,008 3,346
6. Investment balance (4.-5.) -2,106 -2,197
7. Revenue balance (3.+6.) -493 -191
8. Loans granted -586 -637
9. Amortization received 443 397
10. Short-term claims, net -938 -1,004
11. Short-term debt, net 924 903
12. Other items 274 336
14. Net borrowing requirement (7.+...+12.) -376 -196
15. Amortization -477 -775
16. Gross borrowing requirement (14.+15.) -854 -971
17. Gross borrowing 887 987
18. Change in cash holdings and in bank deposits 33 16
Table 4. Local government revenue 1985 and 1986
Million ISK at current prices Per cent of GDP
1985 1986 1985 1986
Total revenue 10,945 14,370 100.0 100.0
Tax revenue 6,755 9,152 61.7 63.7
Direct taxes 3,775 5,198 34.5 36.2
Municipal income tax 3,775 5,198 34.5 36.2
Indirect taxes 2,980 3,953 27.2 27.5
Real estate tax 1,029 1,395 9.4 9.7
Municipal Equalization Fund 734 881 6.7 6.1
Business tax 1.159 1,616 10.6 11.2
Other indirect taxes 58 61 0.5 0.4
Service revenue 2,482 3,184 22.7 22.2
Interest 600 598 5.5 4.2
Capital transfers received 902 1,149 8.2 8.0
Miscellaneous 207 288 1.9 2.0