Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 266
Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1985-1986
Table 6. Local government revenue pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1985 and 1986
ISK at current prices
Whole country Capital region Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
>3,000 1,000- 3,000 400- 999 <400
Total revenue 45,212 48,353 42,951 48,210 43,902 28,909
Tax revenue 27,903 29,240 28,144 27,783 27,535 20,542
Direct taxes 15,593 16,086 16,345 16,102 15,782 10,884
Indirect taxes 12,310 13,154 11,799 11,681 11,753 9,658
Real estate tax 4,252 4,778 4,081 3,693 3,151 3,040
Municipal Equalization Fund 3,030 2,703 3,152 3,283 3,963 3,714
Business tax 4,788 5,411 4,401 4,426 4,220 2,823
Other indirect taxes 240 262 165 279 419 81
Service revenue 10,251 12,597 8,470 8,952 7,842 3,485
Interest 2,478 2,418 2,047 3,603 3,130 1,731
Capital transfers received 3,727 3,140 3,622 6,953 4,597 2,605
Miscellaneous 853 958 668 919 798 546
Total revenue 58,891 64,249 53,558 59,351 57,484 37,937
Tax revenue 37,505 39,266 37,245 37,696 36,348 28,488
Direct taxes 21,303 21,874 22,125 21,761 21,272 16,124
Indirect taxes 16,202 17,392 15,120 15,935 15,076 12,364
Rcal estate tax 5,717 6,441 5,404 4,892 4,289 4,108
Municipal Equalization Fund 3,613 3,243 3,739 4,019 4,614 4,334
Business tax 6,624 7,510 5,931 6,372 5,557 3,786
Other indirect taxes 248 198 46 652 616 136
Service revenue 13,048 16,491 9,797 11,579 8,710 3,716
Interest 2,449 2,517 1,919 3,256 2,862 1,687
Capital transfers received 4,709 4,494 3,653 5,950 8,922 3,432
Miscellaneous 1,180 1,481 944 870 642 614
Table 7. A comparison of local government revenue pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1985 and 1986
Whole Capital region Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
country >3,000 1,000- 3,000 400- 999 <400
Total revenue 100.0 106.9 95.0 106.6 97.1 63.9
Tax revenue 100.0 104.8 100.9 99.6 98.7 73.6
Direct taxes 100.0 103.2 104.8 103.3 101.2 69.8
Indirect taxes 100.0 106.9 95.8 94.9 95.5 78.5
Service revenue 100.0 122.9 82.6 87.3 76.5 34.0
Capital transfers received 100.0 84.3 97.2 186.6 123.3 69.9
Total revenue 100.0 109.1 90.9 100.8 97.6 64.4
Tax revenue 100.0 104.7 99.3 100.5 96.9 76.0
Direct taxes 100.0 102.7 103.9 102.1 99.9 75.7
Indirect taxes 100.0 107.3 93.3 98.4 93.1 76.3
Service revenue 100.0 126.4 75.1 88.7 66.8 28.5
Capital transfers received 100.0 95.4 77.6 126.4 189.5 72.9