Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 15.01.1991, Blaðsíða 269
Sveitarsjóðareikningar 1985-1986
Table 10. A comparison of local government expenditure
pr. inhabitant by size of municipalities 1985 and 1986
Whole country Capital region Other municipalities with number of inhabitants
>3,000 1,000- 3,000 400- 999 <400
Total expenditure, gross 100.0 103.9 98.5 112.7 106.2 61.7
Operational outlays 100.0 110.7 94.5 96.1 93.1 59.6
Interest 100.0 39.5 150.9 242.9 228.9 88.6
Gross investment 100.0 100.4 97.1 127.0 113.3 61.0
Total expenditure by function 100.0 103.9 98.5 112.7 106.2 61.7
Administration 100.0 66.7 113.1 177.6 191.4 107.1
Social security 100.0 122.1 97.7 76.9 65.8 32.8
Health 100.0 148.3 30.2 64.9 52.7 24.6
Education 100.0 81.6 122.2 120.8 106.5 134.2
Culture and recreation 100.0 108.0 122.3 113.3 73.5 19.2
Sanitary affairs 100.0 116.5 102.3 100.3 74.6 21.6
Road construction and affairs 100.0 114.3 84.5 112.3 108.6 26.9
Interest 100.0 39.5 150.9 242.9 228.9 88.6
Other expenditure 100.0 92.7 98.1 118.1 145.0 92.5
Total expenditure, gross 100.0 106.0 96.6 107.7 100.0 62.5
Operational outlays 100.0 110.3 95.8 99.1 85.8 59.0
Interest 100.0 51.0 133.5 229.1 219.2 82.3
Gross investment 100.0 104.8 90.7 107.0 116.9 68.8
Total expenditure by function 100.0 106.0 96.6 107.7 100.0 62.5
Administration 100.0 66.3 117.8 173.7 186.4 113.0
Social security 100.0 123.5 89.1 76.9 71.2 32.6
Health 100.0 150.1 28.1 61.4 41.5 24.1
Education 100.0 86.7 127.9 101.2 99.5 126.7
Culture and recreation 100.0 115.6 104.3 107.9 66.3 16.5
Sanitary affairs 100.0 112.8 106.0 109.8 74.0 22.1
Road construction and affairs 100.0 118.5 72.6 93.5 125.7 32.8
Interest 100.0 51.0 133.5 229.1 219.2 82.3
Other expenditure 100.0 81.6 117.9 137.9 129.5 107.4
Table 11. Local government assets and liabilities at year-end 1985 and 1986
Million ISK at year-end prices Percent of GDP°
1985 1986 1985 1986
Total assets 51,118 66,666 37.5 39.8
Cash holdings, bank deposits etc, 239 256 0.2 0.2
Short-term claims 2,655 3,659 1.9 2.2
Long-term claims 1.013 1,296 0.7 0.8
Net assets in own enterprises 17,796 22,489 13.1 13.4
Fixed assets 29,232 38,607 21.4 23.1
Other assets 183 359 0.1 0.2
Liabilities 4,613 6,240 3.4 3.7
Short-term debt 2,194 3,097 1.6 1.8
Long-term debt 2,419 3,144 1.8 1.9
Equity 46,504 60,426 34.1 36.1
» Based on average price level each year