Hagskýrslur um sveitarsjóðareikninga - 01.12.1994, Page 8
Preface .................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 7
1. The development of local gövemment finances in 1992 ............................................................... 7
2. Local governnient social services.................................................................................. 22
3. Local government chart of accounts, processing of data and explanatory notes to the tables......................... 29
Summary 1. Local governments in 1991 and 1992. Annual accounts returned................................................. 7
Summary 2. Local government revenue and expenditure 1991 and 1992....................................................... 8
Summary 3. Local government finances per inhabitant by size of municipalities 1991 and 1992............................. 9
Summary4. Local government finances 1991 and 1992 .................................................................... 10
Summary 5. Local government revenue 1991 and 1992 ................................................................. 11
Summary 6. Local government service revenue and capital transfers received 1991 and 1992............................... 12
Summary7. Local govemment revenue per inhabitant by size of municipalities 1991 and 1992............................... 13
Summary 8. A comparison of local government revenue per inhabitant by size of municipalities 1991 and 1992............. 14
Summary 9. Local government expenditure 1991 and 1992.................................................................. 15
Summary 10. Local government expenditure per inhabitant by size of municipalities 1991 and 1992 ....................... 16
Summary 11. A comparison of local government expenditure per inhabitant by size of municipalities 1991 and 1992........ 17
Summary 12. Local govemment assets and liabilities 1991 and 1992 ...................................................... 18
Summary 13. Local govemment assets and liabilities per inhabitant 1991 and 1992 ....................................... 19
Summary 14. Local government long-term claims and debt in 1992 ........................................................ 20
Summary 15. Indicators on local government finances 1991 and 1992 ..................................................... 21
Summary 16. Number ofchildren in daycare institutions 1981-1992........................................................ 22
Summary 17. Children 5 years old and younger in daycare institutions 1981-1992 by length of daily service.............. 23
Summary 18. Children in daycare institutions as precentage of each age group at end of year 1981-1992.................. 23
Summary 19. Number of man-years in daycare institutions 1981-1992 ..................................................... 24
Summary 20. Municipal daycare expenditure 1981-1992.................................................................... 24
Summary21. Daycare in private homes 1987-1992 ......................................................................... 25
Summary 22. Municipal home-help service 1987-1992 by type of household................................................. 26
Summary23. Municipal home-help service expenditure 1987-1992............................................................... 26
Summary 24. Households receiving municipal social assistance by type of hoUsehold 1987-1992............................ 27
Summary25. Ageofrecipents ofmunicipal social assistancel987-1992 ...................................................... 27
Summary26. Municipal social assistance expenditure 1987-1992 .......................................................... 28
Maintables........................................................................................................ 33
TableI Revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities of local governments with more than 400 inhabitants in 1992 ... 34
Table II Revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities per inhabitant of municipalities with more than
400 inhabitants in 1992........................:......................................................... 254
TablelII Revenue and expenditúre, assets and liabilities of local governments with less than 400 inhabitants in 1992... 274
Table IV Revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities of local governments enterprises in 1992...................... 292
Table V Daycare of children. Number of daycare institutions and children attending these in 1992 by municipality... 332
Table VI Number of children in daycare institutions by age and length of daily service in 1992, by municipality........ 334
Table VII Percentage of children in daycare in each age group in 1992 by municipality................................... 337
Table VIII Number of man-years in daycare institutions in 1992 by municipality......................................... 339
Table IX Children in private-home daycare and number of child minders in 1992 by municipalities with over
400 inhabitants.............................................................................................. 342
T able X Municipal home-help service by type of household 1992, by municipalities with over 400 inhabitants............ 346
TableXI Staff and hours of work in municipal home-help service 1992 by municipalities with over400 inhabitants..... 348
Tabie XII Households receiving municipal social assistance by type of household 1992, by municipalities
with over 400 inhabitants.................................................................................... 350
TableXIII Age of recipients of municipal social assistance 1992 by municipalities with over 400 inhabitants............ 352
Previous publications on local government finances..................................................!.................. 354
The series Statistics of Iceland........................................................................................... 354