Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Blaðsíða 10
Index of tables
Table2.1 Survey periods, reference weeks and number of interviewers..................................... 16
Table 2.2 Response in the labour force surveys 1992-1994 ................................................. 17
Table 2.3 Standard error, relative standard error and confidence limits in the labour force surveys....... 18
Table 2.4 Mean population 16-74 years by age group and residence 1992-1994................................ 18
Table 2.5 Response and non-response as percentage of net sample by age group, residence and sex
1992-1994................................................................................. 19
Table 5.1 Labour force participation by residence and sex in April and November 1991-1994 .............. 37
Table 5.2 Labour force participation by age group and sex in April and November 1991-1994............... 38
Table 5.3 Labour force participation by education level and sex in April and November 1991-1994......... 39
Table 5.4 Labour force participation by marital status and sex in April and November 1991-1994 ......... 40
Table 5.5 Employment by residence and sex in April and November 1991-1994................................. 41
Table 5.6 Employment by age group and sex in April and November 1991-1994 ................................ 42
Table 5.7 Employment by education level and sex in April and November 1991-1994 .......................... 43
Table 5.8 Employment by marital status and sex in April and November 1991-1994............................ 44
Table 5.9 Unemployment by residence and sex in April and November 1991-1994 .............................. 45
Table 5.10 Unemployment by age group and sex in April and November 1991-1994............................... 46
Table 5.11 Unemployment by education level and sex in April and November 1991-1994 ........................ 47
Table 5.12 Unemployment by marital status and sex in April and November 1991-1994.......................... 48
Table 5.13 Length of job search and youth unemployment by sex in April and November 1991-1994.............. 49
Table 5.14 Full-time/part-time employment by sex in April and November 1991-1994 .......................... 50
Table 5.15 Average actual hours worked per week by full-time/part-time employment and sex
in April and November 1991-1994 .............................................................. 50
Table 5.16 Average actual hours worked per week by first and second job and sex in April and November
1991-1994..................................................................................... 51
Table 5.17 Average actual hours worked per week by status in employment and sex in April and November
1991- 1994................................................................................... 51
Table 6.1 Population 16-74 years by labour force status, age group and sex 1992-1994...................... 52
Table 6.2 Population 16-74 years by labour force status, residence and sex 1992-1994...................... 54
Table 6.3 Population 16-74 years by labour force status, education level and sex 1992-1994................ 55
Table 6.4 Population 25-64 years by labour force status, marital status and sex 1992-1994................. 56
Table 6.5 Females 25-54 years by labour force status, number of children in household and age of youngest
child 1992-1994............................................................................... 58
Table 6.6 Student labour force participation and usual hours of work by age group, residence and sex
1992- 1994................................................................................... 59
Table 6.7 Employed persons by status in employment, age group and sex 1992-1994........................... 60
Table 6.8 Employed persons by status in employment, residence and sex 1992-1994........................... 62
Table 6.9 Employed persons by status in employment, education level and sex 1992-1994 .................... 63
Table 6.10 Employed persons by full-time/part-time employment. number of jobs, age group and sex
1992-1994..................................................................................... 64
Table 6.11 Employed persons by full-time/part-time employment, number of jobs, residence and sex
1992-1994..................................................................................... 66
Table 6.12 Employed persons by full-time/part-time employment. number of jobs, education level and sex
1992-1994..................................................................................... 67
Table 6.13 Employed persons by economic activity, age group and sex 1992-1994 .......................... 68
Table 6.14 Employed persons by economic activity, residence and sex 1992-1994........................... 70
Table 6.15 Employed persons by economic activity, education level and sex 1992-1994..................... 72
Table 6.16 Employed persons by occupation, age group and sex 1992-1994 ................................. 74
Table 6.17 Employed persons by occupation, residence and sex 1992-1994.................................. 76
Table 6.18 Employed persons by occupation, education level and sex 1992-1994 ........................... 78
Table 6.19 Average length of service by status in employment, economic activity, occupation and sex
1992-1994..................................................................................... 80
Table 6.20 Mean age by status in employment, economic activity, occupation and sex 1992-1994............... 81