Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Blaðsíða 84
Vinnumarkaður 1992-1994
Tafla 6.21. Fólk í fullu starfí eftir fjölda vinnustunda að jafnaði á viku, atvinnustétt og kyni 1992-1994
Table 6.21. Persons infull-time employment by usual hours ofwork per week, status in employment and sex 1992-1994
Árlegmeðaltöl Annual averages Alls Total Launþegar Employees Sjálfstætt starfandi og ólaunað skyldulið Self-emloyed and unpaid family workers
Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females
Hlutfallstölur Percent
Alls Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
35-45 klst. hours 50.8 38.1 78,0 55,1 40.6 81,3 35,3 31,0 54,8
46-50 klst. hours 20,5 25,0 10,9 21,1 26,9 10,6 18,4 19,4 13,7*
51-60 klst. Iiours 15,9 19,7 8.0 13,9 18,1 6,2 23,5 24,1 20,7*
61+ klst. hours 12,8 17,3 3,1 9,9 14,3 2,0* 22,9 25,5 10.8*
Alls Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
35-45 klst. hours 51.0 37,4 78,2 55,2 39,6 81,6 34,0 30,4 50,1
46-50 klst. hours 21,6 26,2 12,5 21.6 27,5 11,6 21,6 22,0 19,8*
51-60 klst. hours 14,5 18,6 6,5 13,2 18.1 5,0 20,2 20,4 19,0*
61+klst. hours 12,8 17,9 2,8* 10,1 14,9 1,9* 24,3 27,2 11,1*
Alls Total 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
35-45 klst. hours 52,1 38,4 78,4 56,7 41,8 80,7 32,9 28,0 57,0
46-50 klst. hours 21,1 25,4 12,6 20,6 25,8 12,2 22,9 24,3 16,0*
51-60 klst. hours 15,6 20,4 6.3 13,5 18,8 5,1 24,3 25,5 18,1*
61+klst. hours 11,3 15,7 2,7* 9,2 13,6 2,0* 19,9 22,1 8,9*
Áætlaðar tölur Estimated number
Alls Total 98.900 67.400 31.400 77.400 49.900 27.600 21.400 17.600 3.900
35-45 klst. hours 50.200 25.700 24.500 42.700 20.300 22.400 7.600 5.500 2.100
46-50 klst. hours 20.300 16.800 3.400 16.300 13.400 2.900 3.900 3.400 500*
51-60 klst. hours 15.800 13.300 2.500 10.700 9.000 1.700 5.000 4.200 800*
61+klst. hours 12.600 11.600 1.000 7.700 7.200 600* 4.900 4.500 400*
Alls Total 99.300 66.100 33.200 80.000 50.300 29.700 19.300 15.700 3.500
35-45 klst. hours 50.700 24.700 26.000 44.100 19.900 24.200 6.600 4.800 1.800
46-50 klst. hours 21.400 17.300 4.100 17.300 13.800 3.400 4.200 3.500 700*
51 -60 klst. hours 14.400 12.300 2.200 10.600 9.100 1.500 3.900 3.200 700*
61+klst. hours 12.700 11.800 900* 8.100 7.500 600* 4.700 4.300 400*
Alls Total 99.600 65.600 34.000 80.200 49.500 30.700 19.400 16.100 3.300
35-45 klst. hours 51.900 25.200 26.600 45.500 20.700 24.800 6.400 4.500 1.900
46-50 klst. hours 21.000 16.700 4.300 16.500 12.800 3.800 4.400 3.900 500*
51 -60 klst. hours 15.600 13.400 2.200 10.800 9.300 1.600 4.700 4.100 600*
61+klst. hours 11.200 10.300 900* 7.300 6.700 600* 3.900 3.600 300*