Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Blaðsíða 121
Vinnumarkaður 1992-1994
1 19
Tafla 6.57. Meðalvinnustundir launþega í viðmiðunarviku eftir hagsmunasamtökum og kyni 1993-1994
Table 6.57. Employee average actual hours worked by labour organization and sex 1993-1994
1993 1994
Alls Karlar Konur Alls Karlar Konur
Total Males Feinales Total Males Females
Alls 41,8 49,6 33,9 41,8 49,4 34,2 Total
AIIs í stéttarfélögum 42,4 50,2 34,9 41,9 49,7 34,7 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusambandlslands 41,4 49,4 33,1 41,3 49,1 33,2 Icelandic Federation ofLabour
Bandalag háskólamanna 46,7 52,0 41,3 45,1 52,3 39.6 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna Federation of State and Municipal
ríkis og bæja 41,2 50,1 36,3 40,4 49,4 35,3 Employees
Farmanna-ogfiskimanna- Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels
sambandlslands 69,1 69,1 - 69,1H 69,1* Officers Guild
Iðnnemasambandfslands 39.0* 45,4* 28,7* 32,7* 37,2* 29 9* Apprentices * Association of Iceland
Kennarasamband f slands 42,2 49,4* 39,2 43,3 46,7* 41,9 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland
Múrarasamband íslands 42,9* 42,9* 42,8" 42,8* Masons’ Association oflceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 39,4 48,2 35.8 38.4 46,2* 35,3 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Icelandic Union of Foremen and
Verkstjórasambandlslands 54,7 55,2 47,7* 52,3 52,3 - Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 47,1 49,0 41,3* 44.0 48,6 30,7* Independent unions
Alls utan stéttarfélaga 37,7 46,1 24,1 40,7 47,7 29,3 Total not in labour organizations
Utanstéttarfélaga 39,2 46,7 25,6 40,7 47,5 28,5 Not affiliated to any union
Óvíst 31,3 42,6 19,9 40,4 49,5 32,0 Not known
Skýring: Aðeins þeir sem unnu a.m.k. 1 klst í viðmiðunarvikunni. Note: Only those working at least one hourduring the reference week.