Vinnumarkaður - 01.06.1995, Blaðsíða 119
Vinnumarkaður 1992-1994
Tafla 6.55. Launþegar eftir hagsmunasamtökum og kyni 1993-1994
Table 6.55. Employees by labour organization and sex 1993-1994
1993 1994
Alls Karlar Konur Alls Karlar Konur
Total Males Females Total Males Females
Hlutfallstölur Percent
Alls 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Total
Alls í stéttarfélögum 87,0 84,4 89,6 85,5 82,6 88,3 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 54,8 55,5 54.1 51,3 52.3 50,3 Icelandic Federation ofLabour
Bandalag háskólamanna 5,5 5,5 5,5 7.1 5.8 8,4 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna Federation ofState and Municipal
ríkis og bæja 15,5 10.9 20,1 16.2 11,5 20,7 Employees
Farmanna- ogfiskimanna- Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels
samband íslands 1,0 2,0 0,1* 1.1 2,1 0,1* Officers Guild
Iðnnemasamband Islands 0,4* 0,5* 0,3* 0,2* 0,2* 0,3* Apprentices ’ Association oflceland
Kennarasamband Islands 2,6 1,5* 3,7 2,7 1,5* 3,8 Teachers’ Association oflceland
Múrarasamband Islands 0,3* 0,5* 0,3* 0,5* - Masons’ Association oflceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3,1 1,7 4,5 2,5 1,3* 3,7 Union oflcelandic Bank Employees
Icelandic Union of Foremen and
Verkstjórasamband íslands 1,4 2,7 0,2* 1,6 3,3 - Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 2,4 3.5 1,3* 2,6 4,0 1,1* Independent unions
Alls utan stéttarfélaga 13,0 15,6 10,4 14,5 17,4 11,7 Total not in labour organizations
Utan stéttarfélaga 10,8 13,5 8,2 12,5 15,4 9,8 Not affiliated to any union
Óvíst 2,2 2,1 2.3 1,9 2,0 1,9 Not known
Áætlaður fjöldi Estimated number
Alls 119.400 59.200 60.200 119.600 58.400 61.200 Total
Alls í stéttarféliigum 103.800 49.900 53.900 102.300 48.200 54.100 Total in labour organizations
Alþýðusamband Islands 65.400 32.800 32.600 61.400 30.500 30.800 Icelandic Federation of Labour
Bandalag háskólamanna 6.600 3.300 3.300 8.500 3.400 5.100 Alliance of Graduate Civil Servants
Bandalag starfsmanna Federation of Slate and Municipal
rfkis og bæja 18.500 6.400 12.100 19.400 6.700 12.700 Employees
Farmanna- og fiskimanna- Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels
samband Islands 1.200 1.200 100* 1.300 1.200 0* Officers Guild
Iðnnemasamband Islands 500* 300* 200* 300* 100* 200* Apprentices’ Association oflceland
Kennarasamband fslands 3.100 900* 2.200 3.200 900* 2.300 Teachers' Association oflceland
Múrarasamband íslands 300* 300* - 300* 300* - Masons' Association oflceland
Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3.700 1.000 2.700 3.000 800* 2.200 Union of Icelandic Bank Employees
Icelandic Union of Foremen and
Verkstjórasamband íslands 1.700 1.600 100* 1.900 1.900 - Supervisors
Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 2.800 2.100 800* 3.100 2.400 700* Independent unions
Alls utan stéttarfélaga 15.500 9.200 6.300 17.300 10.100 7.200 Total not in labour organizations
Utan stéttarfélaga 12.900 8.000 4.900 15.000 9.000 6.000 Not affiliated to any union
Óvíst 2.600 1.200 1.400 2.300 1.100 1.200 Not known