Vinnumarkaður - 01.12.1997, Page 49
Starfandi fólk
Mynd 2.5 Meðalfjöldi vinnustunda í viðmiðunarviku 1991-1996
Figure 2.5 Average actual hours ofwork 1991-1996
klst. hours
Bágt atvinnuástand kemur ekki aðeins fram í atvinnuleysi.
Auk atvinnulausra geta hópar fólks verið í hlutastörfum
vegna þess að ekki er völ á fullu starfí. Þetta fólk á rétt á
atvinnuleysisbótum samkvæmt íslenskum lögum og teldist
því atvinnulaust í skrám vinnumiðlana. í vinnumarkaðs-
könnun Hagstofunnar og samkvæmt alþjóðlegum skil-
greiningum telst þetta fólk þó vera starfandi en vinnulítið.
Hlutfall vinnulítilla af öllum starfandi var 3,2% árið 1996
samanborið við 4,4% ári áður. Frá árinu 1991 hefur hlutfall
vinnulítilla sveiflast nokkum veginn í takt við breytingar á
atvinnuleysi. Mun algengara er að konur séu í skertu starfi
en karlar, eða 5,6% á móti 1,2% árið 1996. Þessi munur
tengist því að hlutfallslega mun fleiri konur eru í hlutastörfum
en karlar. Á árinu 1996 vom 44,7% kvenna í hlutastarfi en
aðeins 10,2% karla.
Unemployment is not the only criterion for measuring a
poor employment situation. Beside the unemployed, groups
of people may be in part-time jobs because they do not have
the opportunity of full-time work. Under Icelandic law such
people are entitled to unemployment benefits and are there-
fore counted as unemployed in employment agency records.
In the Statistics Iceland labour force surveys and by intema-
tional definitions, these people are considered to be at work,
but underemployed. The proportion of underemployed to
total employed was 3.2% in 1996 compared with 4.4% the
previous year. Since 1991 the proportion of underemployed
has broadly fluctuated in pace with changes in the unem-
ployment level. It is far more common for women to be
underemployed than men; the 1996 figures were 5.6% as
against 1.2%. This difference is linked to the relatively much
larger number of women than men in part-time employment.
In 1996,44.7% of women were in part-time employment, but
only 10.2% of men.