Vinnumarkaður - 01.12.1997, Page 161
Konur og vinnumarkaður
5. Konur og vinnumarkaður
5. Women and the labour market
I þessum kafla eru birtar töflur um konur á aldrinum 25-54
ára. Atvinnuþátttaka þeirra og vinnutími er skoðaður eftir
aldri yngsta bams og fjölda bama á heimili þeirra. Helstu
niðurstöður em eftirfarandi:
Á ámnum 1991-1996 hefur atvinnuþátttaka kvenna á
aldrinum 25-54 ára aukist nokkuð eða úr 83% árið 1991 í
86,9% árið 1996. Atvinnuþátttaka kvenna á þessum aldri
skýrist að nokkru af fjöldabama á heimili og aldri yngsta bams.
Konur á heimilum þar sem yngsta bam er yngra en 7 ára em
líklegri til að vera heimavinnandi en ella, ennlfemur séu böm
tvö eða fleiri og yngsta bam yngra en 7 ára.
This chapter presents tables conceming women aged 25-54.
Their activity rate and working hours are examined on the
basis of the age of their youngest child and the number of
children in the household. The main fmdings are as follows:
Over the period 1991-1996, activity rate of women aged
25-54 has increased somewhat, from 83% in 1991 to 86.9%
in 1996. To some extent activity rate of women in this age
group is explained by the number of children in the house-
hold and the age of the youngest child. Women from house-
holds where the youngest child is less than seven years old
are more likely than not to be homemakers, which is also tme
if there are two children or more and the youngest child is
under seven years of age.
Mynd 5.1 Atvinnuþátttaka kvenna 25-54 ára eftir aldri yngsta barns 1991-1996
Figure 5.1 Females 25-54 years. Activity rates by age of youngest child 1991-1996
Fjöldi bama og aldur þeirra hefur áhrif á vinnuframlag
starfandi kvenna á aldrinum 25-54 ára. Væri ekkert bam á
heimilinu á árinu 1996 vom 70,5% þeirra í fullu starfi
samanborið við 50,3% ef eitt eða fleiri böm vom á heimili. Þá
var hlutfall hlutastarfa hærra ef yngsta bam var yngra en 7 ára,
svo og ef böm vom fleiri en eitt.
The number of children and their age has an impact on the
hours of work of employed women in the age group 25-54.
If there was no child in the household in 1996, 70.5% of this
group were in full-time employment compared with 50.3%
if there were one or more children in the household. The
proportion of part-time jobs was also higher if the youngest
child was aged less than 7, and if there was more than one