Ferðavenjur Íslendinga - 01.02.1998, Blaðsíða 45
Ferðavenjur íslendinga 1996
Norðurland Hálendi Óþekkt
eystra Austurland Suðurland Highland Hringferð
Northeast East South area Round trip Unknown
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Whole year
9,0 5,4 5,8 - 15,3 28,7 Hotels and guesthouses
14,7 11,5 14,1 42,5 52,6 15,4* Camping sites
0,4* 0,6* 0,8 3,1* 3,0* 20,9 Mobile homes
8,4 13,2 40,1 8,2 2,6* Private summerhouses Holiday houses owned by trade or
7,9 20,0 14,1 5,2 6,6 - company unions
1,4 0,7* 2,6 - - - Other holiday houses
- 2,3 0,6 1,0* - - Fishing lodges
0,2* 0,3* 0,4* - - - Youth hostels
3,4 1,6 2,4 0,4* 2,8* 1,6* Sleeping-bag accommodation
- - - 37,4 - - Highland lodges
2,9 4,1 2,0 0,4* 5,6 - Private tourist accommodation
49,8 39,3 15,8 - 11,4 - With relatives and friends
1,9 1,1* 1,2 1,5* - 33,1 Unknown
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0* 100,0* January-April
11,1 3,7* 16,3 - 100,0* - Hotels and guesthouses
- - - - - - Camping sites
- - - - - - Mobile homes
3,9* 13,1* 41,4 - - - Private summerhouses Holiday houses owned by trade or
2,4* - 8,4 - - - company unions
- - - - - - Other holiday houses
- - - - - - Fishing lodges
- - - - - - Youth hostels
7,1 © * 5,9 - - 100,0* Sleeping-bag accommodation
- - - 95,7 - - Highland lodges
2,1* 2,6* 0,9* - - - Private tourist accommodation
73,4 77,9 26,6 - - - With relatives and friends
- - 0,5* 4,3* - - Unknown
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 May-August
8,5 4,7 4,4 - 6,2 - Hotels and guesthouses
20,3 15,0 21,1 52,0 58,2 26,7* Camping sites
0,5* 0,8* 1,2 3,8* 3,4* 36,3 Mobile homes
10,4 14,0 38,4 7,4 2,8* Private summerhouses Holiday houses owned by trade or
9,7 25,0 16,7 6,5 7,3 - company unions
2,0 0,7* 3,4 - - - Other holiday houses
- 2,9 1,0 1,3* - - Fishing lodges
0,3* 0,2* 0,6* - - - Youth hostels
2,1 2,0 1,8 0,5* 3,1* - Sleeping-bag accommodation
- - - 27,6 - - Highland lodges
2,2 1,9 2,2 - 6,2 - Private tourist accommodation
43,0 31,4 8,8 - 12,7 - With relatives and friends
0,9* 1,4* 0,6* 0,9* 37,0 Unknown