Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 20

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 20
18 saga not less than 22 show 60 or more syllables (aver- age: 80 per period). This means: the number of long sentences in Heið- arv.s. is relatively twice as great as that in Dropl.s.s.; the number of syllables per period is also greater, while the total number of syllables exceeds that of the other saga by 130%. Fóstbr.s., 2698 lines in print, contains 70 periods of 50 or more syllables; this amounts to 26 in 1000 lines. Gísla s., 1871 lines in print, contains 43 such periods: 23 in 1000 lines, average length 60 syll.; Hrafrikels s., 925 lines in print, contains 20 such periods (4 other ones amount to 49 syllables): nearly 22 in 1000 lines. Reykdœla saga ch. 17-30, amounts to 1270 lines in print, contains 61 such periods: 48 in 1000 lines (average length 671/2 syll.). The long sentences form 27% of the total length of the Skútu saga. This saga tends to avoid direct speech; instead its author prefers indirect speech. Not less than fifteen of the long periods are introduced with the for- mula: svá er sagt. In Víga-Glúms saga ch. 1-12 and 17-28 we find 50 periods of 50 or more syllables, the total number of which is 2918, which comes to an average of 58 per period. The chapters 13-16, which form one seventh of the volume of the saga, show a predilection in the opposite direction: a striking number of very brief sentences in ch. 16, eleven of which are not linked with the foregoing by a conjunction. As may be observed in other sagas as well this asyndeton is extremely apt to denote quickly moving action. Nowhere else in V.-GI.S. a succession of such rapid movements is described with an equally con- vincing force.


Studia Islandica

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