Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 21

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 21
19 The only long period found in ch. 13-16 is in direct speech (ch. 16), containing 68 syllables, 39 words, di- vided over 6 phrases, combined by 4 paratactical and one hypotactical conjunction. Neither the number of syllables or words — 3 of them place-names, 14 syllables — nor the construction of the sentence are of any spe- cial interest. In no way does it correspond with any inner action or contents. 9. As regards the use of long sentences it seems as if the choice of them, in direct speech as well as in the narrative, is not just made at haphazard. On the whole they occupy important places in the development of the story. This of course is what one could expect, and not only in the sagas. But at the same time it may, I think, be taken as a phenomenon of literary style and not as a representative of naive language or a rendering of directly observed speech. Dropl.s.s., which heads the list of the complete sagas with the highest percentage of parataxis, also shows a low average of long sentences. Both features seem to be supporting evidence of this saga being of an archaic type, at least having been written down at an early stage of saga-writing, by a man not yet highly skilled in his art. Still, he reveals the same tendency in his choice. V.-Gl.s. ch. 13-16 occupy a position of their own. Reykd.s. in this respect really is an extreme case, the most bookish of all texts in our material. We cannot go into the details of every saga, so only some further brief remarks are made. As an illustrative example we review the iong sentences in Hrafnkels saga. 10. The contents of Hrafnkéls saga, one of the smaller masterpieces, are largely an invention of its author. As


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