Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 22

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 22
20 was shown by S. Nordal and E. V. Gordon any histori- cal basis for the existence of some of the most important personages is entirely lacking. The author even goes to the extreme of introducing the spurious Þorsteinssynir, Þorgeirr and Þorkell, as im- portant speakers who sometimes express themselves in lengthy sentences. In all sixteen periods of 49 or more syllables occur in direct speech. The two great opponents, Hrafnkell and Sámr, speak three of them each, Þorkell three, Þorgeirr five, and a woman two. Hrafnkell, in ch. 4, forbids his servant boy Einarr to mount his horse Freyfaxi (50 syllables, 35 words). This sentence contains the nucleus for the unfolding of the whole story. In ch. 7 he offers Þorbjprn, Einarr’s poor father, a generous compensation for the loss of his son, killed by him (49 syll., 36 words). The refusal of this offer sets the conflict in motion. In ch. 19 he tells Sámr, finally overcome by him, his decision for the future. Sámr addresses to Þorbjom, who is overwhelmed by distress, reproachful words (51 syll., 34 words); in ch. 9, in a long dialogue between Þorkell and Sámr, the latter utters the hope to bring the strife with Hrafnkell to a successful end with Þorkell’s help (51 syll., 28 words); and in ch. 13 it is he, the first victor in the conflict, who humiliates the chieftain Hrafnkell (54 syll., 38 words). The brothers Þorkell and Þorgeirr, in ch. 10, are en- gaged in a dialogue, in which Þorkell tries to persuade the other to afford his help to the poor victims of Hrafnkell’s pride. Þorkell speaks two sentences (49 syll., 30 words, and 83 syll., 56 words), Þorgeirr two (50 syll., 36 words and 55 syll., 39 words). Just before, in ch. 9, Þorkell has unfolded his shrewd scheme to Sámr and


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