Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 26

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 26
PART II The SKÚTU-ÞÁTTR in VÍGA-GLÚMS SAGA and REYKDŒLA SAGA 1. The striking similarity between ch. 16 of Víga-Glúms saga (V.Gl.) and ch. 26 of Reykdœla saga (R.) and the problems connected with it have been the subject of learned discussion for more than a century. This similarity is evident in several respects. Ch. 16 of V. Gl. tells of a clash between Glúmr, the hero of the saga, and Víga-Skúta, the hero of Reykdœla saga, but it falls outside the plan of the story. ‘It breaks the sequence of events and if extracted it would leave no trace’ (G. Turville-Petre) 1 Reykdœla saga ch. 26 is in many points a verbal paralled of ch. 16 in V. Gl.; but the story in R. is linked with the foregoing chapters, in which both heroes have their place. Strikingly similar stylistic features, observed by other scholars, are: a. in ch. 16 of V.Gl. the so-called historic present tense is used nearly three times as frequently as it is in other parts of the saga; in ch. 26 of R. this tense occurs even more frequently. b. the abundance of direct speech in ch. 26 of R., of which it forms about two-fifths, while in other parts of the saga the author tends to avoid it. 1) In the Introduction of his edition of Víga-Glúms saga, Ox- ford, 1940, p. xxiii.


Studia Islandica

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