Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 28

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 28
26 Ch. 13-16 together stand in opposition to the rest of the saga. In R. however this preference is limited to ch. 26 only; in ch. 23-25 the present tense occurs 173 times, the preterite 247 times. d. The abundance of direct speech is a feature of ch. 13-16 in V.Gl., but not only of these chapters; in R. it is limited to ch. 26. Especially in ch. 23-25, the contents of which is partly to be found in V.Gl., the author had plenty of opportunity for direct speech. Instead he uses indirect speech, not less than 17 times in ch. 23 alone. 2.2. On the basis of these observations I think it is safe to assume for ch. 13-16 of V.Gl. one source X. Ch. 13-15 are devoted to a story complete in itself; it is the Kálfr episode, and it too has little to do with the main theme of the saga. It has been shown to be an interpolation as well as ch. 16! The two þættir, the Skúta and the Kcilfr episodes, most probably have been told as individual units. At one time or other a writer combined them, and that writer was not the author of V.Gl., neither the one who wrote down R. We feel safe in making such a positive statement, be- cause all features which both þættir have in common evidently are symptomatic of one person’s style. It would be too hazardous to assume that both þættir, in their individual original oral form, would have been so strikingly similar. Of course: one story-teller might have recited both þættir in his own speech-form. The writer, then, would have written them down just as he heard them. Our conclusion would be the same. The whole of X was incorporated in V. Gl.; R., having 1) Cf. Turville-Petre, Introd. p. xxxii—xxxviii.
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