Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 31

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Side 31
29 5.1. When confronted with the question regarding the relationship between the extant texts, we have to reckon with nine possibilities. For every supposition: V, M or R. being the most original version, three possibilities exist: both the other versions derive from the first inde- pendently, or: the relation is of a chronological order, one of the two other versions being the intermediary between the original and the last one. In graphic form the schemes are: V 2. V 3. i i 1 R.-+M M->R. R. R. 5. R. 6. R. —> M 1 i i V->M M-+V V M 8. M 9. M-+R. i i i V->R. R.-+V V As it stands all nine schemes are virtually impossible, each of the three extant texts agreeing on several points with one of the others against the third. The conclusion must be drawn: other texts, now lost, were once in existence. As will be shown in the case of V, this is a corrupt version, which implies the existence of a more original longer V.Gl. (section 9). Even without such knowledge we can be sure beforehand that the interrelation of all texts, extant and lost, is more complicated than we can ever hope to clear up in full. It may well be that not only V, but all three texts are the representatives of others. Where exactly the missing links are to be drawn will remain a matter of uncertainty.


Studia Islandica

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