Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 34

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 34
32 In the light of our conclusion (section 2.2) that two þættir, ch. 13-15 and ch. 16 of V. Gl. once were com- bined, and existed in the form X, Turville-Petre’s second scheme would necessarily imply that V. Gl. took over the second þáttr from R., and then consulted X for the first þáttr. This procedure does not seem to be the simpler solution, which of course would be that V. Gl. took over the whole of X. Turville-Petre’s schemes, especially the second one, follow from his reasoning: ‘one of the most striking characteristics of the þáttr, both in M and R., is the fre- quent use of the historic present tense. The fact that this characteristic is more pronounced in R. than it is in M is, in itself, an indication that R. has better pre- served the features of the original. In V this tense is used somewhat more frequently than it is in M., though its use in V is not everywhere so general as it is in R’. ‘It is evident, then, that in syntax and vocabulary the V text lies somewhere between M and R., though very much closer to R’. In my opinion this reasoning cannot be conclusive. Turville-Petre himself refers to the figures estimated by Lotspeich: the proportion of the historic present to pre- terite in ch. 26 of R. is 75 per cent, and in other parts of the saga only 28 per cent. In ch. 16 of V. Gl., the proportion is 73 per cent, and in other parts of the saga 26 per cent.1 This difference in the use of the historic present, 75 per cent in R., 73 in M, is too slight to have any decisive value. Moreover: these figures cannot be more than approximate. A further objection against both Turville-Petre’s 1) Introd. xxiv note 4.
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