Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 40

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 40
38 7.3. In the eleven passages quoted in section 7.2 V and R. as a rule agree in that both have more or less the same surplus over against M. This can be seen in the passages 2, 3, 5, 7, 8,11; in 6 V and R. have the same longer hypo- tactical construction; in 10 V and R. agree in omitting a phrase which is extant in M. While this agreement between V and R. is evident in 8 instances, we observe agreement between M and R. against V in almost as many cases, viz. in the passages 6, 8, 9, 10 (three times), 11. Some of the passages will be discussed in sections 8 and 9. Apart from these passages there are a good many more smaller points of agreement between V R., but also of M R. The scribes must have taken some liberty in choosing a synonym, as e. g. í lægð eina V for í rjóðrit M, í rjóðr eitt R., in adding an adverb like heim (V), upp (R.), or in omitting a word (raunar V). They some- times have chosen some other phrasing. A possible explication I think is to be found in the assumption that a writer had a text dictated to him, from a manuscript, not word by word, but in whole periods. Smaller deviations from the dictated text were no matter of importance for a mediaeval scribe, not even for an author.Omissions or additions of longer para- graphs or periods of course cannot be accounted for in this way. 8.1. The relationship of V and R. is evident and close. It is especially on those passages which V and R. have in common over against M that our interest is fo- cussed next.
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