Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 45

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 45
43 2. In the passage where Ásbjpm’s meeting with Glúmr is told, four long periods occur, containing a repeti- tion of what Skúta told Ásbjom to say (104 words). 3. The commentary on Fluga (50 words). 4. After Glúm’s companions have asked Skúta, in dis- guise, whether he has seen a man riding over the hill: marnn ríða um leitit fram M, mann riðit hafa um leitit fram V, mann ríða fram um leitit R., Skúta answers in the affirmative: hann kvezk sét hafa M, hann segir: ‘sá ek víst’ V, Skúta kvaðsk víst sét hafa R., which then continues: manninn ríða fram yfir leitit. Hann kvaðsk sjá, at maðrinn fór hvatlega, ok dró í sundr, er leitit bar í miUi þeira (17 words in last period). Again: a repetition of the words addressed to him, superfluous as to its contents and boring in form. 5. At the end of ch. 16 both M and V briefly state that Skúta and Glúmr ride away. R. adds two rather significant points: a. Glúmr is not going to bring a charge against Skúta. b. Skúta gives vent to his disappointment: he will not have a chance to attack Glúmr un- awares, and so must be resigned over his ina- bility to bring his opponent to grief. (33 words in all). Especially the last point, which is proof of the author’s impartiality, would not be out of place in V. Gl., where Glúmr is the hero. 8.5. In section 8.4 we remarked on the superfluous repeti- tion of Skúta’s promise to Ásbjom. This opening passage of ch. 26 in R. is open to cri- ticism. After Ásbjpm’s request for help Skúta promises
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