Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 47

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 47
45 R. Nú gengr Skúta at sélsdurunum ok lcmst á vegginn ok víkr síðan iijá sélinu aftr. Glúmr gékk þá út, ók hafði ekki í hendinni, ok sér nú eigi manninn. Hann snýr þá hjá sélinu ... Nú víkr Skúta milli hans ok duranna. M and R. both relate a logical sequence of events. Skúta knocks at the wall and takes up a position near the shed. Glúmr goes out without a weapon, looks round but sees nobody. After that he retums to the shed. Skúta takes his chance and comes between him and the door. V’s story is sorely mutilated. The crucial point: that Glúmr sees nobody, is missing. Of course Glúmr did not just open the door to have a look, he went some distance to explore, which gave Skúta a chance to intercept him. V took sér of M R. as a pronoun after hefir ekki í hendi, and so was left without the most important verb. He then must have puzzled about the situation: Glúmr in any case should not have seen Skúta and must have gone at least some distance. So V inserted twice oðrum megin: each of the two men goes to one side of the shed. After having found his preliminary solution he went on and gave Skúta his chance: to post himself in the doorway, because there was really not time enough to intercept Glúmr. All this is too good to be true; V has made a real bungle of it all: he missed the crucial point, then added two synonymous adverbial phrases and de- leted the most important hans. It’s just because of the consistency with which V went to work, thereby reaching a solution which, for a quick reader, is not too improbable and which in any case may be swallowed by anyone interested in the quickly moving story, that his carefully designed plan is revealed. L
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