Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 48

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 48
46 And, what is important: he worked from a written text. 9.2. Here we have to remark on an observation made by Lotspeich p. 36. „Ganz auffallend ist die Verwendung des Personalpronomens der 3. Person in diesem Ab- schnitte. Das Reflexivpronomen der 3. Person kommt in diesem Kapitel der Reykdœla gar nicht vor; dagegen in der Glúma viermal". Then he adduces four parallels from R. and M. To these we add the instances in V. R. biör hann dugnaðar samnar liði leitar nú ráðs at mælt er yfir honum M bað sér viðtQku samnar sér liði leitar sér ráðs heyrir hann mál yfir sik V missing safnar mQnnum omits upp yfir sik Lotspeich wants to explain the difference between R. and M, in the light of his hypothesis, by assuming a common source in which sér did not occur. R., then, would have taken over the phrases from its source as they stood, the author of V. Gl. would have introduced sér where he felt it as being idiomatic. Again, V introduces sér twice where neither M or R. have it, in one period, 99, 18: ... Glúmr ... steypir hann sér þar ofan fyrir gljúfrin, en Skúta leitar sér ofan at fara. We admit: at first glance something is to be said in favour of Lotspeich’s view. Yet: sér occurs in R. in one passage: ‘Hann hafði vesl yfir sér tvískift’; M has exactly the same; in V we read: Skúta hafði vesl yfir klœðunum útan. Of the above-mentioned four instances only the last could be of some value as an argumer* the other three may well be no more than stylistic variations, like safnar mgnnum in F as compared with R. M. In any case: we are not justified in looking for another
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