Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 58

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Síða 58
56 epic part 38 parataxis, 25 hypotaxis; direct speech 17 parataxis, 19 hypotaxis. This is in almost complete agree- ment with M. It is apparent that in R. ch. 26 we discover the hand of two authors, one who copied from the þáttr, one who made the additions and re-wordings. Moreover: the þáttr was copied, from a written text, and its features were faithfully preserved. 12.3. Although, as stated in section 12.1, close agreement exists between M and V as regards the distribution of parataxis and hypotaxis in ch. 16, yet some difference should be remarked upon. The figures, M 45:25, V 43:26, are almost equally balanced. In V the figure for hypotaxis is reached by extra cases over against M, either in additions: 98,18 hvar komit var málinu 99, 6 þat var þann dag, er Glúmr ... áttu at finnask. 10 ok kemr i hug, er maðrinn var eigi djarfr, at hann mundi eigi traust til bera ... 23 ok (réð) hann því til, at hann sá ekki órfoeri... or in re-wordings. I counted eleven such cases in all. In M five cases of hypotaxis occur where V makes use of parataxis. On the other hand V is in the habit of combining whole periods — counted as such in our statistics — by a paratactical conjunction, which opens a period four- teen times. In M this happens four times only. This indicates a difference in style, not of great conse- quence, yet not wholly to be passed over in silence. The same can be observed in the other fragments of V. This somewhat extravagant use of ok and en might be adduced as an argument in favour of V being a more faithful representation of naive, spoken language. It is dangerous however to make a sweeping state-
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