Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 59

Studia Islandica - 01.06.1956, Qupperneq 59
57 ment of this sort: a poor writer may well combine a predelection for hypotaxis with clumsiness in the akward repetition of too many empty words. Especially a writer like the one of V, whose verbosity we remarked upon in section 9. —. Should one consider two periods, the second of which beginning with ok, as one, the length of periods in V would become considerably greater, the difference in style between V and M being more marked. 12.4. A feature of M ch. 26 is the asyndeton, which occurs not less than nine times. In the rest of the saga it is rarely met with, in about half a dozen instances only. It is worth our while to compare two passages i.n the three texts. Both are part of the narrative wherein the meeting between Glúmr and Skúta is told; in both the tension is palpable. 1. Skúta carefully approaches Glúm’s shed. M 26, 27-30: Skúta hafði sverð í hendi, þat er Fluga hét, ök hjálm á hgfði; gengr at sélsdurun- um ok laust á vegginn ok víkr síðan hjá sélinu. Glúmr gengr út, svá at hann hafði ekki í hendi; sér engan mann; snýr hjá selinu. V 99, 7-10: gengr hann þá at selsdurunum ... ok hefir ekki i hendi sér ok snýr ... hjá sélinu. R.: Nú gengr Skúta at sélsdurunum ... ok hafði ekki í hendi, ok sér nú eigi manninn. Hann snýr þá hjá sétinu. 2. Skúta contrives a scheme to escape his pursuers. M 27, 17-19: leitar sér ráðs:brýtr spjótit af skapti ok hefir fyrir staf, tekr af Sgðulinn ok rvðr berbakt, snýr veslinu, ríðr at sauðum ok œpir hátt.
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