Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.10.1954, Qupperneq 23

Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur - 01.10.1954, Qupperneq 23
21 Mælt var sterkju- og þurrefnismagn afbrigðanna, og reyndust mönd'ukartöflurnar vera beztar. Væri hins vegar reiknað sterkju- og þurrefnismagn af hektara, gaf Sequoia mesta uppskeru, en Kennebec nokkru minni. Frostþol kartaflna var skráð haustið 1952, þegar lítils háttar frost hafði fellt grös sumra afbrigðanna. Rejmdust afbrigðin Eyvindur, Sequoia, Rauðar íslenzkar og Furore vera þolnastar, en Red Warba þolminnst. Að lokum er bent á nokkur afbrigði sem góðar matarkartöflur og mælt með afbrigðunum Sequoia og Kennebec til ræklunar í stórum stíl. Summary. During the years from 1948 to 1953 inclusive comparative trials with 142 potato varieties were performed at the University Research Station near Reykjavík, in order to find a more productive variety suitable for the harsh climatic conditions of Iceland. A good deal of the material for study was kindly donated by Statens Frökon- trollanstalt, Stockholm, Sweden, and these given the trial numbers 1 to 92. Varieties obtained from F. H. Woodruff & Sons, Inc., Milford, Conn., U. S. A. were given nos. 93 to 97 and those kindly supplied by U.S.D.A., Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A., got the trial numbers 98 to 133. Numbers 135 to 137 were brought back from Tierra del Fuego by the author in 1950, but the rest of the varieties had been cultivated in Iceland for some time and were either obtained from local growers or the state market. The varieties were arranged in randomized blocks, checked and weighed. Cold and comparatively dry growing periods had great effect on decreasing the yield of all varieties as can be seen by comparison of tables 1 and 2, the crops of the cold and dry years of 1951 and 1952 being by far the poorest. Analysis of variance of the yield was calculated for each separate year and the varieties compared to Iíerrs Pink, no. 10, which is a common variety in the country. In table 2 the significantly better yiekls than that of Kerrs Pink are printed in italics. In order to find out Avhich varieties were significantly better than Kerrs Pink during several years, the yields of the 27 best varieties from 1950 to 1953 were analysed, the last steps in this calculation being given in table 3. The mean squares of the varieties being higher than those of years times varieties indicates that some varieties are better yielders than others in all years. Compared to Kerrs Pink the varieties Kennebec, no. 120, and Sequoia, no. 131, were significantly better at the 1% level. In the last column of table 2 are given figures of % small potatoes, i. e. those that fall through 3 cm2 mesh. Here again Sequoia and Kennebec are low, having their tubers of quite an even size. The amount of starch was then measured by a Z. W. G. starch scale and dry matter content found after drying in oven at 80° C for 24 hours. The resultant figures given in table 4 show a high correlation between the measurements as would be expected. The average starcli content was 13.4% and dry matter 19.2%, with the lowest and highest figures for starch respectively 9.9% in Konsuragis, no. 49 and 21.2% in no. 87. As the great diversity in starch content highly affects the total nutritive value of the crop, starch and dry matter production of each variety per hectare was calculated. The 17 best yielding varieties are shown in table 5, Sequoia still ranking highest with Kennebec second in rate.


Rit Landbúnaðardeildar : A-flokkur

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