Fréttablaðið - 12.03.2022, Side 50

Fréttablaðið - 12.03.2022, Side 50
www.sba. is AKUREYRI - HAFNARFJÖRÐUR Við leitum að góðum bílstjórum til aksturs hópferðabíla sumarið 2022. Störf standa til boða bæði á Akureyri og í Hafnarfirði. Hæfniskröfur D-réttindi til meiraprófs l Rík þjónustulund og hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum l Stundvísi og reglusemi Tungumálakunnátta er kostur l Hreint sakavottorð Tekið verður á móti umsóknum á til 4. apríl nk. Öllum umsóknum verður svarað. BÍLSTJÓRAR ÓSKAST SUMARIÐ 2022 Skóverslunin Skóhöllin í Firðinum Hafnarfirði óskar eftir starfsmanni í afleysingarstarf, breytilegur vinnutími. Skemmtilegt og lifandi starf. Nánari upplýsingar sendist á skohollin@skohollin. Sumarstörf Almenn garðyrkjustörf, flokkstjórar og vélamenn Störfin tilheyra garðyrkjudeild Kirkjugarða Reykjavíkur- prófastsdæma og felast í almennri umhirðu útisvæða s.s. slátt, gróðursetningu og illgresishreinsun í Fossvogskirkjugarði, Gufuneskirkjugarði, Hólavallagarði við Suðurgötu og Kópavogskirkjugarði. Ráðningartími er 10-14 vikur frá miðjum maí. Hæfniskröfur almenn garðyrkjustörf • Umsækjandi sé fæddur árið 2004 eða fyrr • Stundvísi og samviskusemi Hæfniskröfur flokksstjóra • Reynsla af garðyrkjustörfum • Sjálfstæð vinnubrögð • Færni í mannlegum samskiptum • Stundvísi og samviskusemi Menntun og hæfniskröfur vélamanna • Dráttarvélaréttindi • Sjálfstæð vinnubrögð • Stundvísi og samviskusemi Umsókn berist skrifstofu Kirkjugarða Reykjavíkurprófastsdæma í Fossvogi, Vesturhlíð 8, 105 Reykjavík fyrir 8. mars 2021, merkt „Sumarstörf“. Einnig er hægt að fylla út umsókn á og senda rafrænt. Legal Officer JOB REFERENCE 05/2022 eCom We are looking for a well-qualified lawyer with experience within the field of telecoms regulation. Ideally, the successful candidate will have worked in the area of electronic communications regulation within an EU institution or a national regulatory body and have a solid understanding of electronic communications networks and services. The successful candidate will be assigned primary responsibility for assessing and handling notifications from the EEA EFTA NRAs regarding draft eCom national measures. They will work closely with CSA’s Regulatory Economist. In addition, depending on workload, the success- ful candidate will occasionally be assigned to work on competition mat- ters and cases. If qualified and interested, the successful candidate might also be asked to work occasionally on state aid enforcement. Economist JOB REFERENCE 06/2022 eCom and Competition We are looking for a well-qualified economist with experience within the field of both telecoms regulation and Competition economics. The suc- cessful candidate will, in close cooperation with ESA’s Regulatory Economist and eCom Legal Officer, be responsible for ensuring a high standard of economic reasoning and analysis in the eCom notifications reviewed by CSA. Ideally, the successful candidate will have worked in the area of electronic communications regulation within an EU institu- tion or a national regulatory body and have a solid understanding of electronic communications networks and services. In addition, the successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring a high standard of economic reasoning and analysis in the competition matters and cases dealt with by CSA. If qualified and interested, the successful candidate might also be asked to work occasionally on state aid enforcement. Deadline for applications: Sunday 3 April 2022 at midnight CET Start date: 1 September 2022 For full details of this position and to apply, please visit: The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) monitors compliance with the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement) in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, enabling those States to participate in the Internal Market of the European Union. ESA is an international organisation, independent of the States, which safeguards the rights of individuals and undertakings under the EEA Agreement, ensuring free movement, fair competition and control of state aid. ESA’s work helps remove barriers to trade and open up new opportunities to over 450 million Europeans, creating jobs and growth and adding to the international competitiveness of the States. ESA is based in Brussels. It currently employs staff members of 20 nationalities. ESA is led by a College consisting of three members, each appointed for a period of four years by the three participating EFTA States. ESA is recruiting for two positions in the Competition and State Aid Directorate (CSA). CSA, a multi-disciplinary team comprising both economists and lawyers, enforces the rules of the EEA Agreement in the EEA EFTA States as regards competition, state aid and the eCom notification procedure. These rules largely mirror those enforced by the European Commission in the EU. In the field of competition, the bigger share of CSA’s work has been focused to date on abuse of dominance cases, although potential anti-competitive agreements may also be assessed. In state aid, CSA’s portfolio is broad and diverse. In relation to eCom, CSA’s tasks include handling the notification and consultation mechanism that applies to draft regulatory measures from the EEA EFTA States notified under the eCom regulatory framework. The eCom regulatory framework requires the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the EEA EFTA States to notify their draft regulatory measures to ESA for review prior to their adoption. CSA reviews EEA EFTA NRAs’ draft decisions, which may lead to comments, vetoes and ultimately requests for amendments or the withdrawal of the draft national measures. LYFSALINN GLÆSIBÆ LYFSALINN VESTURLANDSVEGI BÍLAAPÓTEK LYFSALINN URÐARHVARFI LYFJAVAL MJÓDD LYFJAVAL HÆÐASMÁRA BÍLAAPÓTEK APÓTEK SUÐURNESJA LYFJAFRÆÐINGAR OG AÐSTOÐARLYFJAFRÆÐINGAR Vegna opnunar nýs apóteks í Reykjavík óska Lyfsalinn og Lyaval eftir lyafræðingum og aðstoðarlyafræðingum til starfa. Áhugasamir sendi fyrirspurnir eða umsóknir ásamt ferilskrá á netfangið Lyfsalinn festi nýlega kaup á Lyavali og rekur nú 6 apótek: 10 ATVINNUBLAÐIÐ 12. mars 2022 LAUGARDAGUR
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