Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1974, Síða 50

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 02.12.1974, Síða 50
50 3 Ot-lior HjHH Ífiod diseaHOR of urinary systom ......... I Symptoins HiiggeHtive of <1íhooh(íh of urinary Hyntom .. 5 I )íhouhoh of broast..................................... ti Disousos of fi'malo Ronital organa...................... 7 Disordors of monstruation................................ S Monopausal Hyin})toin8 .................................. 11 Deliverics aml coniplications of preprnancy. childbirth aiul tlic piierpcriuin 0 Nonnal prognancy......................................... 1 Normal dolivery......................................... 2 ('oinplicatioiiH of prognancy.......................... 2 Ahortion and its complications . ...................... 4 Delivory witli complication............................ .*> ComplioatioiiH of ]>uor[Mirium ........................ 12 DiseascH of tlic skin and ccllular tissiie 0 InfectioiiH of skin and Ruhcutanoous tÍRSue.............. 1 Krytliorna, oczcina, dennatitÍH......................... 2 PsorioHÍH.............................................. 3 Otlicr (liseascH of skin and Rubcutaneoufl tisfluc..... 18 DiseascR of thc bones and organs of movcment 0 Khounmtoid arthritis, arthritis ......................... 1 OstooarthritÍR, periphcral ............................. 2 Dorsal ailmcnts, spocifiod, unspecificd ............... 2 .loint doformities ...................................... 4 Oth(*r discascH of bones and organs of moveinont ...... 5 Khcurnatic symptoms ................................... 14 Symptoms. scniiity and ill-defincd conditions 0 SyinjitomH rcfcrablo to nervous system .................. 1 Kymptoms rcfcrablo to cardiovascular and respiratory systcm................................................... 2 Symptoms refcrablo to digcstivo systcm................. .‘1 (Jonoral symptoins..................................... 4 Moudachc, includes migraine............................ 5 Syinptoins of senility................................. 6 Otlier conditions...................................... 15 Aceidents, poisonings, and violence 0 Fracturcs ............................................... 1 Head injury............................................. 2 Dislocations, sprains and strains of joints, internal in- jurios, wounds, contusions .............................. 3 Burns, oongelations, offects of heat, and electrio curronts 4 Kff(*(H h of pOÍHOIIH.................................. Olhi'riind iutHpccificd injuri(*M ....................... 119 601, 607—617, 757 (500 617) 620 -621 «22-«.n, «36 -637 634 635 Y 06 660 640- 640 650 - 652 670 - 678 680 - «80 600 - 604 «05 705 706 707-716 720 -722, 724—725 723.0 723.1—723.2, 726.0, 735- 736, 745 746- 740, 758 730 734, 737 -744 (726.1 727) and unclasMÍficd 780 782 783 784 - 785 788 701, 354 704 tho rcst 750—795 800 -829 850 -856 830- 848, 860 -929 040-949, 080, 981, 084, 002 060 070 030 03«, 050 050. 0X2 083, 085 001. 003 000



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