AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.08.1999, Qupperneq 80

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.08.1999, Qupperneq 80
e n g li s h This issue of AVS focuses on lcelandic archi- tects and architecture. Specific projects, such as sustainable communities, are discussed, as are building materials particular to lcelandic architecture, opportunities for lcelandic archi- tects abroad and other topics relating to archi- tecture in lceland. PAGE 9: ICELANDIC ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION: In his editorial, Gestur Ólafs- son introduces the theme of this issue by briefly discussing lcelandic architecture in the century that is soon coming to a close, the factors influ- encing its progress and latest developments. PAGE 11: THE ARCHITECTS’ RELATIONSHIP TO THE LAND - AT HOME AND ABROAD: In this article Dr. Halldóra Arnardóttir discusses the nature of architecture and the interplay between it and the natural world. She traces the trends in lcelandic architecture throughout the years and touches upon the diversity of lcelandic architecture. Several illustrated examples are given. PAGE 16: TURF AND STONE AS BUILDING MATERIALS: Here architect Gunnlaugur Á. Johnson focuses on turf and stone as traditional building materials in lcelandic houses. Several examples of the mod- ern uses of these two materials are given. PAGE:20 Reykjavík's theme in the Culture-year 2000 is “Culture and Nature”. The history of planning in Reykjavík offers a unique opportunity to demon- strate how beautiful and giving the interplay of city and nature can be. An exhibition will be put up in s u m m a r y City Hall demonstrating this interplay and a book on the subject will be published simultaneously. PAGE 22: MODERN COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES: The primary focus is on bridges and overpass- es in this article by engineer Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson. Examples of lcelandic structures are given, with special emphasis on their aesthet- ic design. PAGE 27: SWIMMING POOLS: Swimming pools abound throughout lceland - thanks to the country’s geothermal energy resources. Icelanders are avid swimmers and many of the country’s pools are pure architectural gems, as Gunnlaugur Ó. Johnson illustrates in this article. PAGE 33: CORRUGATED IRON IN ICE LANDIC ARCHITECTURE: One of the hall- marks of lcelandic architecture is the widespread use of corrugated iron as siding and roofing mate- rial. This article discusses the history and devel- opment of this material’s use in lcelandic house building. PAGE 37: BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ICELAND: In this article the director of the institute, Hákon Ólafsson, discusses its operations, both in gener- al and over the past year. This includes various research projects - which last year numbered 79 - and publication of diverse literature. PAGE 43: PLANNING KÓPAVOGUR TOWN CENTRE: Three architects and one landscape architect 78
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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