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Learning to Use the Internet: lcelandic Aspects of
Ongoing International Research
Since 1989, the authors have been involved in research
related to the information resources that people use, and the
way in which they learn about, and learn to use, those
resources. From late 1993, this work has focused on the
Internet. Data has been collected in Australia, Namibia, and
lceland. This article presents the results of analyses of the
lcelandic data, within the context of the long-term research
work. It begins with a díscussion of the research context and
the theoretícal background (including an introduction to the
Planned Behaviour in Context (PBiC) model of networked
information resource use, developed by Klobas in 1997).
This is followed by an overview of a longítudinal study (1993
to 1996) of the responses of participants in Internet courses
in lceland to a short emaíl questionnaíre. A preliminary
analysis of data collected through Internet courses in lceland
in 1998 and 1999 highlights continuing trends. The artícle
concludes with a brief discussion of the educational and
research implications of the work.
L.A.C./ J.E.K.
Bókasafnið 24. árg. 2000