The Icelandic connection - 01.06.2010, Page 16

The Icelandic connection - 01.06.2010, Page 16
14 ICELANDIC CONNECTION Vol. 63 #1 INGI INTRUDER BORGA INTRUDER BORGA INGI INTRUDER INGI INTRUDER INGI INTRUDER INGI STEFAN BORGA STEFAN BORGA STEFAN BORGA ya gotta have a bundle stashed somewhere, eh? ... Savin’ fer a rainy day? This rainy day may be my lucky day!! (lowering voice) Are ya gonna talk, ol’ man? I really don't believe in violence... (firmly) I told you! There’s nothin’ here! Look ‘round for yourself and leave us be. Okay! I’ll look ‘round your front room. The Intruder exits the kitchen into the front room which leads upstairs. (whispering) Ingi - thank God it’s Sunday. We’ll be rescued, (singing plaintively) Amazing grace - how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.Twas grace that ... (returning to kitchen) I’m goin’ upstairs. I’m gonna have ta cut up yer mattress, so better... Oh! Stefan will be coming to pick us up for church and he’ll ... Be quiet, Vilborg! Don’t say anything more! (switchblade clicks) Yer not goin’ nowhere, lady! In fact, ya can jes’ phone that Stefan and tell him yer sick. (rooster crows) Oh, I think it’s a bit early to be callin’ him. What was that? That’s our rooster. Snorri crows every mornin’ - ‘bout six-thirty. What’s this guy’s number anyway? W-e-11 - just press 1 - the speed-dial. The Intruder puts the phone in front of Borga, then presses the number. The phone rings three times. Good morning - Pastor Stefan here. (nervously) Uh - El-Hello ...? Vilborg calling - not too early, I hope. Oh, Vilborg, my dear. Is everything okay? How are you after your celebration? Uh - well - that’s why I’m phoning - not so well, really. Ingi and I are a bit under the weather just now, and - uh - we’ll not be coming to church this morning. It seems a bit inclement I should say - but it looks as if the storm is passing now. It would truly make us all somewhat dreary - or perhaps - we enjoyed too much vlnarterta...? Oh no, not at all! I loved every piece and thank you again so much for your kindness.


The Icelandic connection

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