The Icelandic connection - 01.06.2010, Side 52

The Icelandic connection - 01.06.2010, Side 52
50 ICELANDIC CONNECTION Vol. 63 #1 the book and tell the woman to “smarten up’ or “can't you see what you are doing?” But that would not be helpful, as all of these women have told themselves that many, many times. The author explains how secrecy is a large part of addiction; secrecy about inner and outer wounds, about behaviours that nobody must find out about, about family and the belief that you cannot change no matter how hard you have tried. Some of Halldorson’s women will have an insight into their own condition, sometimes they meet someone who recognises the real problem and helps her to deal with it. Icelandic Camp 2010 Islenskar Sumarbudir 2010 For over 30 years the Icelandic Camp has given young people a chance to study Icelandic language, learn about the Icelandic culture, sing Icelandic songs and create friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Just 2 miles north of Gimli, Manitoba, Canada, Camp Veselka overlooks lovely Lake Winnipeg. With a huge recreation room, dining area, 6 cabins, indoor showers and huge open fields Camp Veselka offers a wonderful place for all Icelandic campers to gather. When: Sunday July 25th, 2010 - Friday July 30th, 2010 Where: Camp Veselka, Gimli, Manitoba, Canada Day Campers = Ages 5-8 Full Campers = Ages 8-15 Jr. Counselors = Ages 15-17 For more information visit: www. icelandiccamp2010. com or Icelandic Language Classes - Saga Stories - Icelandic Culture & History - Arts & Crafts - Icelandic Music - Gimli Film Festival - Much More


The Icelandic connection

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