Dagblaðið - 31.07.1980, Side 7

Dagblaðið - 31.07.1980, Side 7
DAGBLAÐIÐ. FIMMTUDAGUR 31. JÚLÍ 1980. Roadstar eru RÉTTU tækin RS-89 Remote Control Power Am- plifier/5-Band Graphic Equalizer RS-6013 2-Way Door Mount Coaxial Speaker System RS-72 Echo Effect Adaptor RS-71N/70N/60N 60W total output power Kr. 102.000 Power handling capacity: 10W (continuous), 20W (max). Kr. 5.000 RS-6012/6011 Door Mount Speaker Small adaptor delivers big echo Kr. 44.950 effect RS-57 / RS-57Q Power Amplifier RS-71N: Four-Way Rotary Type Fader Control (15 Watt max) RS-70N: Four-Way Fader Control (5 Watt max) Kr. 8.400 RS-60N: Front/Rear Speaker Control (5 Watt max) RS-1500GP Double-Auto Cassette Player RS-79 Power Amplifier/5-Band Rotary Control, Graphic Equalizer 30W total output power RS-69 Kr. 78.900 Power Amplifier/7-Band Graphic Equalizer Power handling capacity: 8W (continuous), 15W (max). Kr. 7.450 RS-57: 30W total power RS-57Q: 40W total power RS-35 Kr. 31.800 Automatic Switching Control for IIO-HUU Speaker Bð I Provicesautomaticswitching |/r 4C QflO Qetween indash radio and un- W Power handling capacity: 10W (continuous), 20W (max). Kr. 8.700 RS-705 2-Way Surface/Flush Convertible Mount Speaker System derdash player unit (when tap is inserted radio cuts out, etc.). RS-07 DC/DC 24V-12V Stepdown Converter Full auto-reverse + auto-eject, loudness contour control, manual reverse, locking FF/rewind. Kr. 89.000 RS-1510 Auto-Reverse High Power Cassette Player with Dolby NR 60W total output power Kr. 74.200 RS-55N Power Amplifier with Bass/Treble Controls 30W total output power RS-6045N Kr. 39.500 2-Way Speaker System with Detachable Free-Angle Swivel Bracket Power handling capacity: 8W (continuous), 15W (max). Kr. 8.500 RS-505X Surface/Flush Convertible Mount Speaker System Power handling capacity: 8W (continuous), 15W (max). Kr. 8.500 OOOIVI Surface/Flush/Door Convertible nO-^UUIll Mount Speaker Allows car stereo units to be used en vehicles with 24 volt power supplies. Kr. 26.500 RS-3400 Double-Auto Cassette Player, Digital Readout AM/FM Stereo Radio + Clock with Trip Timer Full auto-reverse + auto-eject, time/trip timer/frequency digital displav Kr. 169.400 Indash Auto-Eject Cassette Recorder/Player AM/FM Stereo Radio with Microphone RS-3500 High power: 15W/channel, Dolby NR, Cr02/normal tape selector, auto-reverse, manual reverse. Kr. 127.000 RS-1100N MoFi Underdash Auto Stop Stereo Cassette Deck Auto-Stop, loudness contour control, locking FF/rewind, seperate bass/treble controls. Kr. 59.400 RS-1550 MoFi Underdash Auto-Reverse Stereo Cassette Deck Power handling capacity: 15W (continuous), 30W (max) RS-6043 Kr. 24.400 High Performance 3-Way Surface Mount Speaker System . Power handling capacity: 30W (continuous). 100W (max). Kr. 34.950 High Performance 2-Way Surface Mount Speaker System RS-6042 Power handling capacity: 4,5W (continuous), 8W (max). Kr. 7.750 RS-100 Surface Mount Speaker Power handling capacity: 4,5W (continuous), 8W (max). Kr. 4.700 TR-6920 Tri-Range 3-Way Flush Mount Speaker System Recording funciton, interference absorption circuit, auto-eject, K7 QHA stereo/mono selection. t\T • I O / .OiilJ RS-820 Super-Compact Cassette Player with Speakers Dolby NR, Cr02/normal tap selection, loudness contour control, tape directio'i indicators, locking FF/rewind, automatic tape-on when cassette inserted, sperate bass/treble controls, balance and volume controls. Dimensions: (W x H x D) 140 x 44 x 146 mm Kr. 101.600 RS-1640 MoFi Underdash LW/AM/FM Stereo Tuner Power handling capacity: 30W (continuous), 60W (max). Kr. 24.050 RS-6041 2-Way Surface Mount Speaker System Power handling capacity: 25W ____' (continuous), 50W (max). Kt. 20.700 CO-6920 Coaxial 2-Way Flush Mount Speaker System Small and lightweight for in- stallation anywhere, speakers included. Power: 3,5 Whannel Kr. 42.000 RS-850 Auto-Stop Cassette Player 5-stage LED tuning meter, DX/local LED indicator, Stereo/Mono selection. Kr. 94.200 R§*”58 / RS'~58Qt Power Amplifier w WfwwHH ttut imnnn l Power handling capacity 15W (continuous), 30W (max). Kr. 20.100 RS-6031 3-Way Surface/Flush Convertible Mount Speaker System Power handling capacity: 25W (continuous), 50W (max). ixT. 20.700 TR-5420 Tri-Range 3-Way Flush Mount Speaker System Auto-Stop, locking FF/eject button, balance/tone/volume controls, tapa play indicator Power: 3,5W/channel Kr. 45.000 RS-1400 Auto-Stop Cagsette Player RS-58: 60W RS-58Q: 80W, 30W from each of the 2 rear channels. Kr. 52.800 Power handling capacity: 15W (continuous), 30W (max). Kr. 19.350 RS-6024 3-Way Surface/Flush Convertible Mount Speaker System Power handling capacity: 10W (continuous), 20W (max) Kr. 15.000 CO-5420 Coaxial 2-Way Flush Mount Speaker System Auto-Stop, loudness contour control, locking FF/rewind, balance/tone/volume controls. Sendum um allt land. Kr. 53.900 Bíltæki með L, M, kr. 25.800 meö L, M, FM kr. 46.800 Auk þessara tækja m.a.: RS 2150 L.M. Stereo kassetta 2x7 vött, kr. 96.600 RS 2650 L.M. Stereo auto reverse kassetta 2x7 vött, kr. 148.300 RS 2920 L.M. Stereo auto reverse -kassetta 2x7 vött, kr. I33.400 RS 3120 L.M. Stereo auto reverse kassetta 2x7 vött, kr. 152.300 Power handling capacity: 15W 1/ m> 21 1 OO (continuous), 30W (max). " " Power handling capacity: 10W -- Jl Ortfl (continuous), 20W (max). I\.r. I H.UUU BUÐIN / Skipholti 19 — Sími 29800



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