Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1975, Síða 96

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1975, Síða 96
RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 96 CALENDAR OF EVENTS. Commissioned Offi- cers’mess Closed U.S. Naval Station Keflavík, Iceland. Sl. 1973. 7 Nos. 8vo. CHAPMAN, KENNETH G. Graded readings and exercises in Old Icefandic. Fourth printing. Berkeley 1973. vi, 72 bls. 4to. CHAPMAN, PAUL H. The man who led Colum- bus to Anterica. Atlanta, Georgia 1973. £02 bls. 8vo. DANSKERE OG ISLAND 1923-1973. Det Danske Selskabs festskrift i anledning af 50 Srs jubi- læet den 5. juni 1973. [Reykjavík 1973]. 47 bls. 8vo. DEDEBROTH-SCHOU, BIRGITTE. Island, Fær0- erne og Grpnland. Et eksempel fra Thorkelins arkivregistraturer. [Ljósrit úr Arkiv. 4.3. Köb- enhavn] 1973. BIs. 145-59. 8vo. D’HAENENS, ALBERT. Les invasions norman- des, une catastrophe? Questions d’histoire. Par- is 1970. 125 bls. 8vo. DOLTRUP, GURLI. Jeg taler dansk l-[2]. Reykjavík, Ríkisútgáfa námsbóka í samvinnu við Skólarannsóknir Menntamálaráðuneytisins, 1973. 83, 80 bls. 8vo. DUMÉZIL, GEORGES. From myth to fiction. The Saga of Hadingus. Translated by Derek Coltman. Chicago 1973. xii, 253 bls. 3vo. — Mytlie et épopée. L’idéologie des trois fonc- tions dans les épopées des peuples indoeuropé- ens. Seconde édition. Paris 1974. 657, (7) bls. 8vo. ELDJÁRN, KRISTJÁN. Skriftlige og arkæolog- iske vidnesbyrd orn Islands ældste bebyggelse. Festforelæsning holdt ved Odense Universi- tets ársfest og indvielse den 20. maj 1974. (Nyt fra Odense Universitet). Odense 1974. 15 bls. 8vo. FELLOWS JENSEN, GILLIAN. Scandinavian settlement names in Yorkshire. Navneforskn- ing. Nr. 11. Copenhagen, Akademisk forlag, 1972. XX, 276 bls. 8vo. FISK, FISKERI, FISKERIGRÆNSER. En de- batbog om fiskeriet i Nordatlanten. Komiteen for bevarelse af fiskebestanden i Nordatlanten. Kpbenhavn 1973. 139 bls. 8vo. FOLKET I NORDEN BERÁTTAR. [Stockholm 1973]. 168 bls. 8vo. FOOTE, PETER [and] DAVID M. WILSON The Viking achievement. The society and cul- ture of early medieval Scandinavia. Second irn- pression. London 1973. xxv, 473 bls., 14 mbl. 8vo. GARDAR IV. Ársbok för Samfundet Sverige-Is- land i Lund-Malmö. Redaktör: Lars Svensson. Lund 1973. 59, (5) bls. 8vo. GEORGSSON, GUÐMUNDUR. Carcinoma of the reticulum of a sheep. [Sérpr. úr Veterinary pathology, 10]. Basel 1973. Bls. 530-33. 8vo. - andGtUÐMUNDUR] PÉTURSSON. Fluorosis of sheep caused by the Hekla eruption in 1970. SI. 1971. 8vo. GÍSLASON, GYLFI Þ. The problem of being an Icelander. Past, present and future. Translation by Pétur Kidson Karlsson. Photo- graphs by Gunnar Hannesson. Lay-out: Torfi Jónsson. Reykjavík, Almenna bókafélagið, 1973. 92 bls., 8 litmbl. 8vo. GJERL0W, LILLI. Det birgittinske Munkelivs- psalter. [Sérpr. úr Björgvin bispestol. Oslo 1970]. Bls. 129^43. 8vo. —■ Missaler brukt i Bjprgvin bispedpmme fra misjonstiden til Nidarosordinariet. [Sérpr. úr Björgvin bispestol. Oslo 1970]. Bls. 73-127. 8vo. GODBER, GEORGE E. The future of preventive ntedicin. Sérpr. úr Læknablaðinu. [Reykjavík 1973]. Bls. 117-26. 8vo. GRANT, MATTHEW G. Leif Ericson explorer of Vinland. Illustrated by Dick Brude. (Explo- rers of America. Gallery of great Americans series). Mankato, Minnesota 1973. 32 bls. 8vo. GROENKE, ULRICH. How ‘arcaic’ is modern Icelandic? [Sérpr. úr Studies for Einar Hau- gen]. The Hague 1972. Bls. 253-60. 8vo. — Hundedagskongen. Ein islands politisk kome- die. [Sérpr. úr Syn og segn]. S.l. 1971. 6 bls. 8vo. GUDJÓNSSON, THÓR. Smolt rearing techni- ques, stocking and tagged adult salmon recap- tures in Iceland. An excerpt from the inter- national Atlantic Salmon Symposium 1973. [Fjölr.]. Sl. [1973]. Bls. 227-35. 8vo. GUÐMUNDSSON, FINNBOGI. Iceland National library. [Sérpr. úr Encyclopedia of library and information science, 11. N. Y. 1974]. Bls. 144- 51. 8vo. GUÐNADÓTTIR, MARGRÉT. Visna-maedi in
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