Atuagagdliutit - 26.06.1980, Blaðsíða 16
Inuit Circumpolar Conference/lnuit Issittormiut Ataatsimeersuarnerat
(xup. sujulianit nangitax)
nersuissoKatigivinut sujuligtai-
ssåvon, taimalo nunane issigtune
avdlane augtitagssat tungaisigut
KanoK pissorKarnera sonutigiv-
— tassamane nunap håne olia-
siornermepissutsit alutorerpalug-
dlulnardlugit oKalugtuarivatit a-
ngalanerpit kinguninguatigut.
sordlo tåssa måne tamåkununga
tungassunik sujunersutenagssa-
— taimatut nipeKarsimaguma
onartariaKarpunga åma ajasoru-
tigenigiga aumarssuarsiorfingne
takussavne mingugtitsinerup Ka-
non angitiginera, tåssa angmåi-
nartumik aumarssuarsiorfingme,
Jonathan Motzfeldt OKarpon. nu-
nap iluane, tåssa nårusugtigut,
aumarssuarsiornen mingugtitsi-
nginerussutut onautigissarianar-
poK. oliasiorfingnut tungatitdlu-
go onartariaKarpunga aitsåvik u-
vanga oliasiorfingmik tikitanar-
dlunga. oliasiorfit ima takordlor-
taraluaravkit suna tamarme olia-
rujungmik nagdlersimasson. kisi-
åne tåssa taima itumik takussa-
nångilanga. olia nunap iluanit i-
ngerdlåinartumik suvdluligssuar-
nut nagdlornenartarpon tåuku-
natigortitdlugulo Alaska napiv-
dlugo oliamik akuiaivigssuarnut
ingerdlatinenartardlune. suleri-
ausen taima iton agsut alautsi-
nåinarpon, neriutigåralo ukiaro
nunavtine augtitagssat pivdlugit
sujunersuissonatigit tasamunga
takusautisinaujumårdlugit påsi-
— atautsimut issigalugo onarta-
rianarpunga nunap nåvane oliasi-
ornen teknikikut taima angnertu-
tigissumik ingerdlåssanarfiusson
takuvdlugo agsut uisåtdlangnar-
tfisson, uvavnut tåukununga so-
runame påsisimassanarnigså-
ngitsumut. ama uvavnut nuånå-
jatdlangnarpon mingugtitsisi-
naunigssan ernarsautigalugo
angnertumik sitdlimaniarnenar-
— oliasiorneK pivdlugo nagguve-
Kativta sivnissait Kanon isuma-
—atautsimut issigalugit onarta-
rianarpunga nalunångitson olia-
siornerme aningaussat tungaisi-
gut pigssar sia tik soruname ajag-
tungikait. iluanutiginiaraitdlo,
Jonathan Motzfeldt onarpon. —
uvdluinarne inuniarnermikut pit-
sångorsainigssamut aningaussat
atorniarssarigait nalunångilan,
taimalo atuarfenarnerup tungåti-
gut sanaortugkatik angnertut ta-
kutissordlugitdlo misigssortipait.
nalungilåtdle uvdlut ardlåne olia
nagguvenativta nuånårutigåt
issigtup inuvfiginenarsinaunera-
nik periarfigssat nungutsailiorni-
ardlugit aserornavérsårdlugitdlo
suliniarnerme ama uvagut Kalåt-
dlit-nunåne penatauniartugut. å-
ma malugåra nunavtine nålagker-
suinikut årnigssussinen angusi-
massarput agsut tornåmavigini-
arssarigåt. tamåna taimågdlåt
nagguvenativta akornånit pingi-
lan, åmale Canadame Alaskamilo
pissortanit nangminerssorneru-
lersimanerput maluginiarnenar-
ton påsinarpon. tamåna påsivdlu-
go agsut nuånerpon.
imåne oliasiornen
— tasamane nuname oliasiorner-
mit påsissatit tungavigalugit nu-
navtine åma taimatut pi s sok arsi-
nauneranik emarsautenångilatit?
— nularnångitsumik ungarnu-
sinaujungnåisavarput sujunig-
ssame tamatuma isumerfiginig-
sså. Siumut nålagkersuissutdlo i-
mame oliasiornermut akerdliu-
put, tamåna aulajangiusimavar-
Jonathan Motzfeldt — Chairman of the Greenlandic cabinet, host for ICC and respon- Put- pingortitamik isumangnait-
sible for Greenland's external relationschips. dlisainermut tungassut påsissa-
narfigeréruvtigit aitsåt isumerni-
arnigssamut periarfigssan ang-
marnenåsaon nunap nåne oliasi-
orsinaunen ernarsautigalugo. å-
malo atausen puigusångilarput: i-
kumatigssanarniarnen erdloni-
narsiartuinartitdlugo nuname oli-
asiorsinaunen pernigsårtumik
Petro-Canada ajagtaivon
Jonathan Motzfeldtip canadami-
ut ministeriånik Monroemik ona-
lonatenarnermine sarnumiutaisa
ilagåt umiarssuarssuit atordlugit
nunavtine piniartonarfit pingåru-
tenartut ernånguisigut oliamik
agssartuissarnigssamik pilersså-
rutit onatdlisaonissut.
— åma ministerip tåussuma a-
pernut tamåna ilungersunartoru-
jugssuartut issigå, Jonathan
Motzfeldt onalugtuarpon. — tåu-
ssumunga erssernigsarpara nu-
navtine inatsissartut nålagkersu-
issutdlo pilerssårutinut akerdliu-
ssut. malugåra åma Canadame pi-
ssortat pilerssårutit imailinardlu-
git akuerinaviarunångikait. kisiå-
ne nalunångilan pigingnenatigig-
figssup tamatuminga pilersså-
rutenarton Petro-Canada nålag-
kersuissunik tunuiningånit ajat-
sisimårton pilerssårutine akueri-
Monroe ukiaro Nungmukarnu-
vara nålagkersuissunik inatsi-
ssartunigdlo onalonatigingning-
niåsangmat. åma tamatumuna A-
vanerssuarme, Upernavingme
Umånamilo piniartonarfit sivni-
ssue periarfigssinenåsagaluarma-
ta ministerimik nanimut onalona-
tigingningnigssamut isumatik tu-
sartitdlugit. pingårnerpauvorme
pissusiviussut pivdlugit påsissu-
tigssanik tunioråsavdlugo. neriu-
tigåra inugsiarnisårtumik pinena-
rumårton, taimåingigpat mato
matordloriatårsinaungmago peri-
arfigssavtinigdlo kigdlilivdlune,
Jonathan M otzfeldt onarpon. s
Jonathan Motzfeldt:
Our fellow-inuit look forward
to doser cooperation
Saturday the 28th of June the second Circumplar
Conference begins in Nuuk. The home rule govern-
ment of Greenland is host for this historie conferen-
ce, and here the chairman of the cabinet, Jonathan
Motzfeldt, tells about inuit cooperation and about
the impressions he gained when he recently traver-
sed arctic North America both from east to west
and from south to north.
— Our fellow-inuit are really
looking forward to the results
of the fortheoming circumpo-
lar conference. We all hope
that thé conference will serve
as a foundation for formal co-
operation beween the inuit.
That is what the chairman of
the government of Greenland, Jo-
nathan Motzfeldt, says to the
Greenland Post. He has recently
been on a rather lengthy journey
in Canada and Alaska. The trip
was arranged after an official in-
vitation had been received from
the Canadian Minister for Indian
and Northern Affairs, John Mon-
roe. In this way Jonathan Motz-
feldt got an opportunity to
meet several representatives of
inuit both in Canada and Alaska.
— We feel that the time has co-
me for achieving a more organi-
zed form of cooperation between
us, Jonathan Motzfeldt continu-
es. I am aware that in several re-
spects each group of us has acqui-
red its own ways of doing things
becuase of the faet that we belong
to different nations. But we have
this in common that we belong to
the same people, which has its ho-
me in the arctic region. We love
and appreciate our land, and be-
cause of that we also feel respon-
sibility for preserving its nature.
In view of these things there is a
need for formalized cooperation.
Recommended basis for
— We have in the Greenlandic ho-
me rule government prepared a
recommendation which could ser-
ve as the bais for such cooperati-
on. Here we have to some extent
used the model for cooperation
which exists between the Scandi-
navian countries. It is of couse
not merely an attempt to immita-
te that model, but we have taken
inspiration from the manner in
which the Scandinavian countries
go about their cooperation.
Within the framework of such
cooperation problems regarding
preservation of the environment
and protection of animals will no
doubt be dealt with, and questi-
ons concering trade could also be
taken up.
— At the same time we will ha-
ve to explore the possibility of
achieving doser cooperation with
the Canadien authorities. This
large neighbouring country is rich
in energi resources, and we aught
to try to keep open the possibihti-
es of trade with that country —
among other reasons, because our
future within the Common Mar-
ket i so doubtful, Jonathan Motz-
feldt says.
Joint board for mineral
resources to Alaska
After expressing a wist to do so
Jonathan Motzfeldt was given an
opportunity to visit the oil wells
and coal mines in Alaska. He is
chairman of the Greenlandic-
Danish joint board for mineral re-
sources in Greenland, and is the-
refrore very interested in kno-
wing what takes place within the-
se areas of activity in the other
arctic regions.
— Right after you had comple-
ted your trip you spoke enthusia-
sticatiy about the oil drilling on
land. It was almost as if you are
thinking about recommending si-
milar activities in this country...
— Well, is that how it sounded?
But on the other hånd, I was
shocked to see how mueh environ-
mental damage is done at. the coal
mines, Jonathan Motzfeldt says.
There is less environmental da-
mage at the underground coal mi-
nes I have seen. As regards the oil
wells, it was the first time I visi-
ted a place where oil is being pum-
ped out of the earth. I had imagi-
ned that the area around an oil
well would be smoothered in oil.
However, that certainly was not
the case. The erude oil is pumped
from the underground direetly in-
to large pipes, the so-called pipeli-
nes, which take the erude oil right
across Alaska to the refineries.
Considerable attention ought
to be paid to such an activity, and
I hope that this fail I will be able
to arrange a trip there to study
the situation for the members of
the joint board for mineral resour-
Economic advantages
— All in all, it is surprising to see
the technical colossus which the
oil drilling activities on land bring
with them — at any rate for me,
who is not very knowledgeable
about such things. It has also be-
en encourageing for me to see how
well they are prepared to cope
with possible oil spilis.
— What is the attitude of the
leaders of our fellow inuit to the
oil drilling activities?
— On the whole it is my impres-
sion that they don’t oppose the
economic advantages which are
achieved by taking out the oil,
and that they will make use of
these advantages, Jonathan
Motzfeldt says. — They will make
use of the economic advantages
to improve their standard of li-
ving, and they showed me the ma-
ny school facilities which have be-
en established. But they know
that some day there will be no mo-
re oil.
It is also encouraging for our
fellow inuit to know that we in
Greenland want to participate in
the efforts to preserve the envi-
ronment in the Arctic in such a
way that the arctic nature retains
the basis for existence for the arc-
tic people. It is my impression
that they try to work towards the
type of political system we have
achieved here in Greenland. This
attention is not only to be found
among our fellow inuit, but also