

Ægir - 01.11.1980, Page 58

Ægir - 01.11.1980, Page 58
Útfluttar sjávarafurðir í ágúst Fryslar afurðir Saliaðar afurðir ísaðar afurðir Nr. Lönd Magn Verðniæli Magn Verðmæú Magn Verðmæii leslir þús.kr. leslir þús.kr. leslir þús.kr. Ágúst 1980: 2 Austurríki — — — — — — 3 Bandaríkin 7.285 9.485.600 — — — 4 Belgía 236 210.900 5 11.100 — — 5 Bretland 1.536 2.158.400 — — 3.604 1.508.700 7 Danmörk 34 94.400 67 93.100 — — 8 Finnland — — — — — — 9 Frakkland 39 46.000 30 38.700 — — 10 Færeyjar — — — — 171 48.000 11 Grikkland — — 451 1.192.800 — 12 Holland 24 30.900 — — — 13 írland — — 82 69.600 — — 14 Ítalía — — 250 468.700 — 18 Portúgal — — 1.333 1.176.500 — — 20 Sovétríkin 5.678 4.093.900 — — — 21 Spánn — — 2.850 3.648.800 — 22 Sviss 30 108.000 — — — 23 Svíþjóð 55 52.000 34 51.500 — — 24 Tékkóslóvakía — — — — — 26 Vestur-Þýskaland 210 247.000 34 45.700 1.310 503.500 27 Önnur Ameríkulönd — — 25 23.100 — 28 Afríka — — 130 116.400 — • ' 29 Asía 1.167 883.400 — — — — 31 Önnurlönd 1 4.500 — — — Samtals 16.295 17.415.000 5.291 6.936.000 5.085 2.060.200 Janúar—ágúst 1980: Samtals 1979 18.527 15.219.300 7.084 4.303.200 9.167 939.100 1 Austur-Þýskaland — — — — — — 2 Austurríki — — — — — — 3 Bandaríkin 48.477 55.583.300 181 195.000 180 161.800 4 Belgía 1.603 1.211.600 26 37.700 9 9.700 5 Bretland 11.419 11.844.900 14 9.900 15.263 6.331.700 7 Danmörk 730 1.134.700 1.349 1.224.500 — — 8 Finnland 1.552 110.000 1.563 800.700 — — 9 Frakkland 1.473 1.241.900 328 397.300 — — 10 Fasreyjar 177 121.900 0 600 198 55.800 11 Grikkíand — — 2.164 2.621.300 — 12 Holland 142 118.700 — — 13 írland — — 83 70.100 — 14 ftalía 18 95.500 6.196 7.551.800 — 15 Júgóslavía — — 16 Noregur 216 395.200 749 354.200 — 17 Pólland 89 33.700 — 18 Portúgal 23 12.400 21.551 18.247.500 — 20 Sovétríkin 18.669 12.469.000 3.480 1.357.000 — 21 Spánn 81 83.400 10.002 12.012.600 — 22 Sviss 397 556.400 — 23 Svíþjóð 161 323.300 5.244 2.964.500 — 24 Tékkóslóvakía ... 301 100.600 — 25 Ungverjaland 3 12.300 — 26 Vestur-Þýskaland ... 5.575 3.726.000 2.228 2.157.700 9.125 3.283.600 27 Önnur Ameríkulönd . 799 702.200 28 Afríka 304 254.400 — 29 Asía 6.952 4.413.600 22 18.500 — 30 Ástralía 15 13.500 — 31 Önnurlönd 6 24.600 — — 171 128.000 Samtals 97.990 93.592.800 56.372 51.011.200 24.946 9.970.600 Samtals 1979 94.660 66.858.600 47.751 26.264.300 27.900 6.199.000 618 — ÆGIR



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