Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 149
UIOFAR stations(numberof individuals in parentheses):
425(1); 495(1); 1615(2).
BIOFAR area: Faroe-Iceland Ridge, and the channel be-
tween Faroe Bank and Bill Bailey Bank (Fig. 27).
BIOFAR depth range: 509 and 584 m.
BIOFAR temperatures: Estimated range 1.6 and 8.2 °C.
BIOFAR water mass: AW/AI.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; coast
of Norway; Norwegian Channel; Skagerak; Faroes;
Iceland; coasts of Greenland (Millar, 1966).
General depth range: From about 100 m to 1300 m (Mil-
lar, 1966).
Bcmarks: Thc records from the channel bctween Faroe
Bank and Bill Bailey Bank are the first records of
this species on the westem slope of the Greenland-
Scotland Ridge, and the t.e. of 8.2 °C on these sta-
tions is the highest that hitherto is recorded for S.
gelatinosa. This coldwater species has an Arctic dis-
tribution from western Greenland to the Kara Sea. In
thc borcal castern Atlantic part ofthe Norwegian Sea
the vertical distribution is confined to the slopes
below 500 m, while in the Arctic it occurs at depths
to about 100 m. (Hartmeyer, 1923). This probably
reflects its ecological niche regarding temperature
(see distribution map in Millar, 1966: 68).
The records on the Faroe-Iceland Ridge and between
Faroe Bank and Bill Bailcy Bank are textbook ex-
amples of overflow-dispersal. The occurrence of S.
gelatinosa between the above mentioned banks sup-
ports oceanographical results that indicate an irreg-
ular overflow over the Wyville-Thomson Ridge and
a subsequent westward flow caused by this overflow
through the channels between thc three banks south-
west of the Faroes (Hansen and Østerhus, 2000).
Records of S. gelatinosa in the Norwegian Channel
and Skagerak are likewise a consequence of the pen-
etration of the cold Norwegian Sea Deep Water into
these areas.
Stytfa rustica (Linnaeus, 1767)
Good description: Hartmeyer, 1923: 196-213; Van Name,
1945; Millar, 1966: 67, fig. 42.
frcvious records: Sampled 1870 or earlier: Locality not
specified (identification by Miiller in 1870 (1 speci-
men) and by Capt. Suenson in 1870 (2 specimens)
(Traustedt, 1880). “Diana" 1884: Tórshavn (Hart-
meyer, 1923). "Thor" 1899: Between Stong and
Eystnes 180 m (Hartmeyer, 1912); off Borðoyarvík
37-55 m. ldentified by Th. Mortensen (Hartmeyer,
1923). "Margrethe"or "Thor" 1913?:Trongisvágur
0-4 m (identification by Strubberg in 1913) (Hart-
Figure 19. Styela rustica (froni Liitzen, 1967).
meyer, 1923). “Beskytteren " 1926: Sundalagið at
Bátshøvda 6-10 m (Ámbáck-Christie-Linde, 1952).
"Dana" 1927: East of Enniberg (62°27'N;6°26'W);
southwest of Svínoy 80 m (62“ 13 'N;6°23' W); off Gø-
tuvík (62°09'N;6°37'W) (Árnback-Christie-Linde,
BIOFAR stations (number of individuals in parentheses)
152(1); 370(1); 548(1); 1022(1); 1023(1); 1025(4):
1027(1); 1030(1); 1176(2); 1205(1); 1245(1);
1341(1); 1377(1); 1431(1); 1451(1); 1517(1)
1521(1); 1543(1); 1562(2); 1612(7); 1613(2)
1616(3); 1628(3); 1638(1); 1646(1); 1659(1)
1664(9); 1665(5); 1667(1); 1675(1); 1744(1);
1786(2); 1791(1); 1797(1); 1801(9); 1810(1).
BIOFAR area: Mainly coastal records in shallow water,
few scattered off shore records on the plateau east of
the islands (Fig. 20).
BIOFAR depth range: 5-300 m.
BIOFAR temperaturcs: Estimated range 6.7 to 8.2 “C
(based on three BIOFAR 1 stations).
BIOFAR water rnass: Mainly AW.
North Atlantic/Nordic Seas distribution: Svalbard; Bear Is-
land; coast of Norway; Skagcrak to Sound; Faroes; Ice-
land; coasts of Greenland; northern North America
(Millar, 1966).
General distribution: S. rustica is a circum-Arctic species.
It is additionally found on both sides of the boreal At-
lantic; on the Pacific sidc it occurs in the Bering Sea,
the Sca of Okhotsk, and in thc Sca of Japan; it is also
recorded in the east Pacific south of the Bering Sea.