Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 193
Other scientists in and outside the Faroes
working with Faroese projects.
Scientific papers
Abrams, L. 2005. Scandinavian place-names and set-
tlement-history: Flegg, Norfork, and East Anglia
in the viking age. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V.
(eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic.
Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV:
Baldwin, J.R. 2005. A sustainable harvest: working
the bird cliífs of Scotland and the westem Faroes.
The Islands Book Trust Conference September
2004: 115-161.
Barrett, J.H. 2005. Econimic intensifícation in viking
age and medieval Orkney, Scotland: Excavations
at Quoygrew. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V.
(eds). Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic.
Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV:
Bill, J. 2005. Kiloran Bay revisited - confinnation of
a doubtful boat-grave. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge,
S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north At-
lantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum
XLIV: 345-358.
Blackburn, M. 2005. Coinage and contacts in thc
North Atlantic during the seventh to mid-tenth
centuries. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds).
Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya
Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 141-151.
Brodie, J. and Nielsen, R. 2005. The diversity of the
Bangiophycidae (Rhodophyta) of the Faroes in
the context ofthe northem Atlantic. BIOFAR Pro-
ceedings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-
26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supple-
mentum 41: 53-62.
Buckland, RC. and Panagiotakopulu, E. 2005. Ar-
chaeology and the palaeoecology of the Norse At-
lantic Islands: A review. In: Mortensen, A. and
Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the north
Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum
XLIV: 167-181.
Carroll, .1.2005. Narrativc and direct address in skaldic
verse. In: Mortensen, A. and Arge, S.V. (eds).
Viking and the norse in the north Atlantic. Føroya
Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum XLIV: 427-440.
Cawley, S., Matheson, H. and Stalker, G. 2005. An
Updated View of the Faroes-Shetland Petroleum
System ln: Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D.
(eds). Faroe Islands, Exploration Conference.
Procceding of the P' Conference. Føroya Fróðska-
parfelag Supplementum 43: 109-130.
Clarke, H.B. 2005. “Go then south to Dublin; that is
now the most praiseworthy voyage.” What would
Brynjólfr’s son have found there? In: Mortensen,
A. and Arge, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in
the north Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, sup-
plementum XLIV: 441-445.
Crawford, W.C., Singh, S.C., Hulme, T. and Small-
wood, J.R. 2005. Applications of Seafloor Com-
pliance Measurements in the Faroes-Shetland
Basin. In: Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D.
(eds). Faroe Islands, Exploration Conference.
Procceding ofthe ls' Conference. Føroya Fróðska-
parfelag Supplementum 43: 32-43.
Dauvin, J-C. and Vallet, C. 2005. An overview of the
suprabenthic macrofauna in the English Channel.
BIOFAR Proceedings 2005. BIOFAR symposium,
Tórsliavn 24-26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðska-
parfelag Supplementum 41: 246-247.
Dinesen, G.E. 2005. Biodiversity of horse mussel
beds: Is the plethora of species on the Faroese shelf
unique in the NE Atlantic Ocean? BIOFAR Pro-
ceedings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-
26 April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supple-
mentum 41: 247.
Dinesen, G.E. and Ockelmann, K.W. 2005. Spatial
distribution and species distinction of Modiolus
modiolus and syntopic Mytilidae (Bivalvia) in
Faroese waters (NE Atlantic) BIOFAR Proceed-
ings 2005. BIOFAR symposium, Tórsliavn 24-26
April 2003. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplemen-
tum 41: 125-136.
Edgren, T. 2005. Kyrksundet in Hitis, sw Finland. A
viking age resting place and tradingpost on the
sailing route to the East. In: Mortensen, A. and
Argc, S.V. (eds). Viking and the norse in the nortli
Atlantic. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, supplementum
XLIV: 292-401.
Eibye-Jacobsen, D. 2005. The biogeography of phyl-
lodocids (Polychaeta: Phyllodocidae) found in
Faroese waters. BIOFAR Proceedings 2005. BIO-
FAR symposium, Tórshavn 24-26 April 2003.
Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum 41: 247-