Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 190
Petersen, S., Hoydal, K.., Dam, M, and á Hædd, A.
2005. Umhvørvi og oljuleiting umhvørvislig krøv
og kanningar á føroyskum øki. Heilsufrøðiliga
starvsstovan og FOIB Tórshavn. pp.26.
Vorkamp, K., Dam, M., Riget, F., Fauser, P., Bossi,
R. and Hansen, A.B. 2005 (2004). Screening of
“new ” contaminants in the marine environment
of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. NERI
Technical Report No. 525. National environmen-
tal research institute, Ministry of the Environment,
Denmark, pp. 97.
Føroya Náttúrugripasavn
Faroese Museum of Natural History,
Debesartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 31 23 06;
Fax: +298 31 84 38; Email:;
Web page:
Scientifíc papers
Fosaa, A.M. 2004. Biodiversity patterns of vascular
plant species in mountain vegetation in the Faroe
Islands. Diversity and Distribution 10: 217-223.
Hansen, J. and Jensen, J-K. 2005. Colour morphs of
the Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli L. (Lepidoptera,
Hepialidae) in the Faroe Islands. Ent. Meddr. 73:
Jensen, J-K. and Nielsen, O.F. 2005. Første fund af
græshopper pá Færøerne. Ent. Meddr. 73: 55-57.
Jensen, J-K. and Sivertsen, H.E. 2005. Nye og sjældne
fund af sommerfugle pá Færøeme 2004. Lepidop-
tera 8: 309-316.
Nielsen, S.A. and Bloch, D. 2005. Thc stable fly
(Stomoxys ca/cí7ra/i.v)(Diptera: Muscidae) recor-
ded from the Faroes. Fróðskaparrit 53: 136-140.
Olsen, B. and Nørrevang, A. 2005. Seabird fowling
in the Faroc Islands. TlieIslands Book Trust Con-
ference September 2004: 162-180.
Palma, R.L. and Jensen, J-K. 2005. Lice (Insecta: Ph-
thiraptera) and their host associations in thc Faroe
Islands. Stenstrupia 29(1): 49-73.
Sørensen, S. and Jensen, J-K. 2006. Sjældne fugle pá
Færøerne i 2003 og 2004. Rare birds in the Faroe
Islands in 2003 and 2004. Rapport nr. 35 fra
Sjældenhedsudvalget. DanskOrnith. Foren. Tids-
skr. 100: 29-34.
MacKenzie, K., Kalavati, C., Gaard, M. and Hem-
mingsen,W. 2005. Myxosporean gall bladder
parasites of gadid fish in the North Atlantic: an
assessment of their economic importance in
físheries and mariculture. Fisheries research Dec.
Hoshino, T., Gaard, M., Kiriako, M. and Yumoto, I-
2004. A snow mold fungus, Typhula incarnata,
from the Faroe Islands. Acta Botanica Islandica
14: 71-76.
Reports and papers of coinmon interest
Bloch, D. (ed.). Sneli, J-A., Sciøtte, T., Jensen, K.R..
Wikander, P.B., Stokland, 0. And Sørensen, K.
2005. The marine mollusca of theFaroes. Føroya
Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum 42. 190 pp.
Bloch, D. 2005. At undersøge hvaler - hvordan og
hvorfor. Atlantic Review Autumn 2005: 40-46.
Bloch, D. 2005. Føroysk skaðadjór. 4. Staraloppa.
Frøði 11,1: 28-29.
Bloch, D. 2005. Føroysk skaðadjór. 5. Tjøruklukkan.
Frøði 11,2: 18-19.
Bloch, D. 2005. Norwegian coastal and pelagic
whaling, 1917-1986. NAMMCO SC/I3/FW/10:
Bloch, D. and Allison, C. 2005. The North Atlantic
catch of fín whales, 1894-1984, taken by Norway,
the Faroes, Shetland, the Hebrides, Ireland and
Greenland. NAMMCO SC/13/FW/l 1:1-31.
Bloch, D. and Allison, C. 2005. Whale catches in the
North Atlantic 1894-1984, taken by Norway, the
Faroes, Shetland, the Hebrides, Ireland and
Greenland. NAMMCO SC/13/18: 1-46.
Bloch, D. and Kristensen, R.M. 2005. Tribute to Arne
Nørrevang, dr. phil., prof. em. In: Bloch, D. (ed.)-
Sneli, J-A., Sciøtte, T., Jensen, K.R., Wikander,
■ P.B., Stokland, 0. and Sørensen, K. 2005. The
marine mollusca ofthe Faroes. Føroya Fróðskap-
arfelag Supplementum 42: 5-14.
Bloch, D., Mikkelsen, B., Dam, M. and Olsen, J. 2005.
Faroe Islands - Progress report on marine mam-
mals in 2003-2004. North AtlanticMarineMam-
mal Commission 2004: 281 -286.
Bloch, D., Mikkelsen, B., Dam, M. and Olsen, J. 2005.
Faroe Islands - Progress rcport on marine mam-
mals in 2004-2005. Progress report Faroe Islands.
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
2005. SC/13/NPR-F: 1-6.