Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2006, Blaðsíða 189
Reports and papcrs of comnion interest
Mortcnsen, L. 2005. Kann ein tsunami raka Føroyar?
Frøði 11,1: 11-15.
Ziska, H. 2005. lntroduction. In: Ziska, H., Varming,
T. and Bloch, D. (eds). Faroelslands, Exploration
Conference. Procceding of the ls' Conference.
Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supplementum43:9-10.
Ziska, H. 2005. Kolvetni í undirgrundini. Frøði 11,1:
Ziska, H. 2005. Oljuleitingarmøguleikar i Føroyum.
Frøði 11,2: 22-27.
Ziska, H., Varming, T. and Bloch, D. (eds). Faroe Is-
lands, Exploration Conference. Procceding ofthe
P' Conference. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag Supple-
mentum43. 182pp.
Føroya Landsbókasavn
Faroese National Library,
Debesartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 31 16 26;
Fax: +298 31 88 95;
Email:; Web page:
http://www. Ibs. fo/
Reports and papers of common interest
Næs, M. 2005. Prikkur @ muni. In: Mortensen, A.
(ed.). Fólkaleikur. Heiðursrit til Jóan Paula
Joensen. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag: 192-199.
Føroya Landsskjalasavn
Faroese National Archive,
Debessartrøð, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 31 66 77;
Fax: +298 31 86 77;
Email:; Web page:
http://www. Iss. fo/
Reports and papers of conimon interest
Nolsøe, L. 2004. Arbejdsskolen í Tórshavn. In:
Larsen, B.R., Larsen, C. and Skovgaard-Petersen,
V. Skole - Kirke - Arkiv (Tilegnet Erik Nørr pá
60-ársdagen den 11. november 2004). Odense
Heilsufrøðiliga Starvstovan
Food- Veterinary and Environmental
Falkavegur 6, FO-100 Tórshavn.
Phone: +298 35 64 00;
Fax: +298 35 64 01;
Email:; Web page:
http://www. hfs. fo/
Scientific papers
Andersen, M.K., Christiansen, D.H. and Pedersen-
Bjergaard, J. 2005. Centromeric brcakagc and
highly rearranged chromosome derivatives
associated witli mutations of TP53 are common
in therapy-related MDS and AML after therapy
with alkylatihg agents: an M-FISH study. Genes
Chromosomes Cancer 42: 358-371.
Andersen, M.K., Christiansen, D.H. and Pedersen-
Bjergaard, J. 2005. Amplification or duplication
of chromosome band 21 q22 with multiple copies
of the AML1 gene and mutation of the TP53 gene
in therapy-related MDS and AML. Leukemia 19:
Bossi, R., Riget, F., Dietz, R., Sonne, C., Fauser, P.,
Dam, M. and Vorkamp, K. 2005. Preliminary
screening of perfluorinated surfactants in fish,
birds and marine mammals from Greenland and
the Faroe Islands. Environmental Pollution 136:
Christiansen, D.H., Desta, F., Andersen, M.K. and
Pedersen-Bjergaard, .1. 2005. Mutations of genes
in the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/RAS-BRAF
signal transduction pathway in therapy-related
myelodysplasia and acute myeloidleukemia.
Leukemia 19: 2232-2240.
Reports and papers of common interest
Dam, M. and Hoydal, K. 2005. íverksetan av OSPAR
CEMP eftiransingarskipan í Føroyum fyri 2003
og 2004. Heilsufrøðiliga starvsstovan, Tórshavn,
11 pp.
Hoydal, K. and Dam, M. 2005. AMAP Faroe Islands
Heavy metals and POPs Core programme 2004.
Food- Veterinary and Environmental Agency Re-
port no. 2005:2. 1-73.