

Sameiningin - 01.09.1945, Blaðsíða 20

Sameiningin - 01.09.1945, Blaðsíða 20
FOR SOUND INFORMATION 500,000 LUTHERANS READ THE PABISH SCHOOL—This magazine for religious education is published ten times a year for all church school workers and officers. Every issue brings practical material to the reader through articles by specialists on new principles and methods, and reports on interesting experiences and successful experiments by progressive church school leaders. Price, §1.00 per year; in clubs of five or more to one address, 80 cents. THE LUTHERAN—A weekly publication which has an enviable reputation among denominational church papers. It contains up-to-the-minute news of the church at large and many other features of interest to lay people and pastors. As the official joumal of the United Lutheran Church in America, it may be depended upon to present the Lutheran attitude and testimony on happenings in the world today through its various correspondents and staff writers. Subscription, $2.00 a year in advance. QUEST—For intermediates and seniors. An eight-page weekly with definite appeal for this age group. Contains stories, puzzles, games, editorials, feature articles and a page of Bible-action pictures. Single subscription, 75 cents a year; five or more subscriptions to one address, 60 cents. PILOT—For juniors and older primary children. A four- page weekly containing stories, informative articles, car- toons, games, puzzles and other features. Attractively illustrated, this periodical will be found valuable as a character-builder. Single subscription, 60 cents a year; in quantities to one address, 50 cents. Provide these papers for yourself, your teachers and pupils. Write— THE UNITED LUTHERAN PUBLICATION HOUSE 1228 Spruce Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa.



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