

Sameiningin - 01.04.1927, Blaðsíða 24

Sameiningin - 01.04.1927, Blaðsíða 24
3. Civic—The necessity of upfaolding the law which prohibits or limits drinking is our duty as citizens, because loyal observance of one law is bound up with the entire fabric of sound national life.— But this phase becomes subordinate to the other two because if the citizen is convinced of the scientific truths regarding alcohol and has a knowledge of the historical back ground, he obeys the law because of his own convicticrns of its necessity and its justice. The schools, colleges, church organizations and general public have enormous opportunities and obligations in thi.s matter. Will the youth of today continue to build securely-and intelligent- ly? Or will they be misled by arguments of opposing interests, or by w;hat they see of imperfect law enforcement, into thinking con- ditions under prohibition no better than before? The answer depends on how they are educated. The “challenge of youth” of which the alcohol question is only. a small part, summons every agency to consider miethods by which youth can be taught why and how to -safegard himself and his fel- lows. But, why wait until somteone comes along to educate us? Why not get out and seek information for yourself on this vital matter? When I began this paper I had somewhat the same attitude as I found expressed in a quotation from an eminent American clergy- man: “Prohibition has brought great benefits to our people. I do not believe in the theory of prohibition and I do not believe you can make people good by act of congress. But, indeed, the gains which prohibition has brought are so great that I could almost wish I might be proved wrong about the principle.” If scientific investigation proves that alcohol is a narcotic and not a stimulant, we must of necessity adjust our opinions to include this fact. Also when we face the whole problemi, and proceed to educate ourselves regarding it, surely we are big enough to amend our principles if need be. The youth of today has an instinct for fair play. Let me appeal to that sense of fair play, not to sit back idly in this matter, but do some investigating on your own account. Trusting to your sportmanship I ,have no doubt, when you have learnt the facts regarding this matter, which side you will champion.



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