

Sameiningin - 01.04.1927, Blaðsíða 36

Sameiningin - 01.04.1927, Blaðsíða 36
LARGEST PRIVATE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN CANADA THE * BIISINESS COLEEGE Ltd. 385% POKTAGE AVENUE D. F. FERGUSON, Prcs. cor. Portage Avenue and Edtnonton Street W, C. ANGUS, C.A. Prin. THE PUBIiIO IIAS CONEIDENCE IN THE SUCCESS Our annual enroll- ment greatly exceeds tlie total combíned yearly enrollment of all other Btisiness Colleges and Prlvate Conuner- cial Scliools in the Pro- vince of Manitoba. EMPLOYAIENT DEPAKTMENT We operate, for the benefit of our graduátes and under-graduates, a free Employment Bu- reau, vvhich registers students vvho are qual- ified for various office positions and intro- duces them to business jopportunities. Tliere is no cliarge to eniployers nor to our students for this service. DAY SCHOOL COURSES 1. SECRETARIAL Bookkceping Accounting Arithmetic Rapid Calculatlon Commercial Law Shorthand Typewritino Correspondenec SpelHnq Penmanshlp Office Routine l. OFFICE MACHINERY Comptometcr Burroughs Calculator Machine Bookkeeping Dictaphone _______ 3. STENOGRAPHY (Complcte) Bookkceping and Ac- counting (Elementary) Rapid Calculation Shorthand Typewriting Correspondence Spelling Penmanship Office Routine 4. STENQGRAPHY ((Partial) Shorthand Typewriting Correspondence Penmanship Spelling 6. HIGHER Office Routine ACCOUNTING 5. ACCOUNTING Cost Accounting Retail Bookkeenintj Accounting Wholcsale Commission Arithmetic Manufacturing Rapid Calculation Corporation Commercial Law Automobile Corrcspondcncc 7. GENERAL Spcllinq Arithmetii Spellinq Off;co Practice English Grammar Correspondence Typcwriting (Optional) Punctuation Penmanship. The Home of Success—Edmonton Block ENKOTiL AT ANY TIME PHONE: 25 843—25 844 Tlie Bcst Equipped, Best Conducted Business Collcge in Canada



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