Árdís - 01.01.1954, Blaðsíða 39

Árdís - 01.01.1954, Blaðsíða 39
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 37 Pioneer Days In Camping By INGIBJORG J. OLAFSSON At the present time the Lutheran Women’s League is the possessor of one of the finest camps on the shores of Lake Winnipeg. Perhaps it is not amiss to retrace some of the steps on the rough path that led to the beginning of that work in camping. It may keep us humble to look back to the days when we had to rent a camp for a short period each summer where a course in Leadership Training was given. In the year 1936, the Lutheran Women’s League held its conven- tion at Lundar. Gudrun Johnson of Winnipeg, had been president of the League from the time of its organization in 1925. As a change was considered feasible by herself and others, a new slate of officers was nominated and elected at that convention: Hon. Pres., Mrs. A. Johnson; Pres., Mrs. S. Olafsson; Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. G. Henrickson; Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Danielson; Vice-Secretary, Mrs. H. S. Erlend- son; Treasurer, Mrs. S. Sigurdson; Vice-Treasurer, Miss Kristin Skulason. At that time we were all excepting Mrs. He’nrickson, residing in the Arborg-Riverton parish. I can safely say that we Were of one mind to carry the torch which had so well been carried by our predecessors. Even if the Lutheran Women’s League had been firmly estab- lished by this time, there was something lacking—that bond which unites members of an organization when working together for some special objective. It seemed evident that to grow we must find some worthwhile project to work for. Surely there must be some corner in the Master’s vineyard where He could use such as us. The Lord would surely provide an open door whereby we could enter and find our work and grant us a vision clear enough to see it. That summer we were, I believe, guided in our search. That summer my husband and I spent two weeks of our holi- days at Loni Beach, north of Gimli. One afternoon we packed a picnic lunch and set out in our car. Two miles north of Gimli we drove down to the lake to look for a suitable place to have supper.
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