Árdís - 01.01.1964, Qupperneq 9

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Qupperneq 9
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 7 How can burning hearts be secured? The narrative makes that clear. 1. An earnest study of the Scriptures. Before Jesus overtook the two disciples undoubtedly they were trying to reconcile the Scriptures to the recent sad events, but they were hopelessly con- fused. Then Jesus came and expounded the Scriptures. What a marvellous Teacher! What enlightment He gave! Never had they seen the Old Testament Prophecy in the light of that hour! Scrip- ture became as clear as day, and their hearts caught fire. When we earnestly and sincerely scale the heights and fathom the depths of Holy Scripture, when we really see its beauty and richness, our hearts begin and continue to burn. Your hearts will never be on fire if the Bible lies unused on your table or a library shelf. Don’t let your Bible be like a ruby owned by a Hungarian farmer who permitted his children to play with the jewel, and even allowed his child to cut his teeth on it. Yes, this jewel was a toy in the family for 35 years. Then one day the farmer took the gem to a jeweller in Chicago, and to his great amazement was told that it was worth a quarter of a million dollars. Its value was suddenly realized! Don’t treat your Bible like a toy, failing to realize its great value! Discover its great treasures now. 2. Then the Presence of Jesus makes our hearts burn. They did not recognize Him, but His personality set them on fire. What a wonderful travelling companion! Jesus invariably sets hearts on fire, if we only allow Him to travel with us on the dusty highway of life. What happened when the hearts of these two men caught fire? Not only were they supremely happy, but they immediately re- ceived willing and flying feet. They ran back to Jerusalem. Never had the distance seemed so short and so joyous! When our hearts are on fire for the Lord, we become rapid in our movements and willing to serve Him. Then the yoke of duty is easy and the burden of service is light. Then we never feel that we are doing too much for His Glorious Cause. If Christ is really in our lives, we can’t keep silent. We want to tell others what He means to us and what He has done for us. We want to have willing feet. We want to serve Him. Let it be our earnest prayer that each one of us may have a burning heart— willing feet and a ready tongue!
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