Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 12

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Síða 12
10 ÁRDÍ S We Lutherans realize the rich heritage that we have in our church but are prone to treasure our faith as one cherishes fragile heir- looms or fine china. Our inherited faith is good only if it is put to the test and we experience it for ourselves. In fact, our inherited faith will be found to be dead if it is not regularly tried and used. When we really need it we will find it is a lifeless skeleton unable to give us any strength or support at all. It needs to be exercised regularly. The church, we have said, is God’s house but we can also call it a power station. It seems corny to say it (I mean no disrespect) but isn’t it true? We need to get a “charge” out of going to church. How do you feel about attending divine worship on a Sunday morning? Is it something to be tolerated because you feel it’s a good habit, it doesn’t take too much time, and you want to create a good impression? Or do you enter the church with eager antici- pation because you are going to meet God there and hear what He has to say to you? Our 11-year-old son came to me in great excitement one eve- ning recently. He was ready for bed and had been reading his devotional magazine. He held the page out for me to see and urged me to read it. “Just read this! Here, read this!” The story was of a Sunday school teacher who asked his class what they would do if they found in their mailbox some day a letter addressed to them personally, signed by God in Heaven. The children gave various answers. One said he would frame the letter and hang it in his room, another thought he would read it every day, some said they would tell all their friends and neighbors. Then the teacher said, “We already have a letter from God. It’s for each of us. We call it the Holy Bible.” This discovery should be exciting for each of us. We should be excited over the good news the letter contains. But are we? . . . We are being challenged. We realize that any commendation or criticism of the church is really leveled at us as individuals. We are the church. So the challenge is for us as individuals to live lives that show the joy and power of the Christian message. Never think that what you, one ordinary person, do or say is unimportant, that it doesn’t matter. Like being on “Candid Camera”,
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