Árdís - 01.01.1964, Blaðsíða 30

Árdís - 01.01.1964, Blaðsíða 30
28 ÁRDÍS in the northeast extremity and in the mountains. The one we saw and explored to some extent, was about thirty feet above ground and many feet underground. It consisted of many chambers used for different purposes. The sleeping quarters seemed to indicate that the occupants had been short of stature. Surrounding this central structure, which the leaders evidently occupied was a whole village of workers’ quarters. All this was enclosed by an outer fort. We ended with a picnic lunch, satisfied in every way. This had been a most interesting day. A few days later all of us left on a trip around the island. Bill owns a station wagon car and though there were four adults and three children, we were comfortable. We drove north along the west coast and were fascinated by many things: the incredible colors, inactive vol- canos, plains, richly cultivated hillsides, villages and castles clinging precariously to rock formations or lying among marshes which at one time were infested with fatal fevers. Against this background of unusual and varied scenery—move the Sardinian people, silent and industrious, their personality a mixture of profound melan- choly and fierce passions, harmonizing well with the nature sur- rounding them. One can understand better the inhabitants of any country by studying their history. I am not going into any detail about it here. Suffice it to say that plainly visible are the char- acteristics of conquering races. The fauna and flora are quite different from those we are accustomed to seeing. For instance the beautiful flowering bougainvillea bush which grows in profusion along the way and the quick moving lizard and the wild boar. We saw shepherds tending their flocks and the huts where they can take refuge from the hot sun or a rainstorm. It was not unusual to meet a native woman barefoot and carrying her burden on her head. We passed through many villages. How different they are from our own! There are no sidewalks and the streets are so narrow that one could easily have reached through the window and touched a native. In one such village I saw natives get up from their seats and press up against the wall to make room for our car to pass through. Many of the buildings are built from mud bricks and every home has a closed in courtyard. Sometimes the door of the courtyard was open and we caught glimpses of their animals, donkeys, goats, pigs, etc.
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